=ED= Delta News (Full Version)

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StriderAigis -> =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:50:26)


A big congratulations to Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and the rest of the EpicDuel team for concluding EpicDuel's Gamma stage and moving on to Delta!


As Cinderella pointed out in her Design Notes, Delta means “change” or “evolution” or “the fourth in a series”- which all describe the way EpicDuel is coming into its own. It’s really incredible to see such a small team make such great strides, and we’d like to invite you to join us and the EpicDuel team on June 29, 2011 (what time? When it’s ready o’clock... just like everything else in AE) to experience a new and improved EpicDuel!

Some of the key features include: 3 NEW Class Evolutions- the Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, and Cyber Hunter- a revamp of Fortune City, new characters like the cruel and calculating Alydriah Descarl, the fierce Imperial Tech Mage, and improved versions of some of the original NPCs. Plus, EpicDuel is adding a new mode supporting 2vs1 Boss Fights! When Delta launches you’ll be able to select a friend as your ally and battle against bigger and more powerful bosses than ever before! Can you form a team to defeat these monstrosities?


Finally, EpicDuel is introducing the unique and powerful new Delta Destroyer Sword for players that support the movement by purchasing an Epic Varium package on or after the 29th! Plus, everyone who plays during the Delta phase will be have the opportunity to pick up the exclusive Delta Knight achievement for FREE from any achievement vendor.

Don't miss out on this Epic event! Join us June 29, 2011 for the evolution!

This is from AQW Design notes but i thought i should post this part here, if its ok, well the thing i like about this is a new swird

Tagged and added images. ~Ashari

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:53:10)

Oh crud a sword??? Don't tell me it will be a frostbane descendant :/.

Edit: FIRST!! What does it mean EPIC varium package? Is it 10k again? If so that'll be disappointing

He Who Lurks -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:54:42)

Looking forward to the new classes.

TankMage -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:56:07)

Thanks for the info :D, Can't wait to see this new sword hopefully it will be really epic!

StriderAigis -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:56:36)

Well frost it says unique sword so it'll probably be better then Frostbane

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 19:57:16)

Maybe, maybe not. When update happens, I'm sure it says(pierces 10% defense) which will be bad :/.

Death Gigas -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:05:20)

Hopefully the sword will have 2 versions, physical and energy!

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:05:37)

This is important.


Armor hazard is a boss!

Grun Teufel -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:11:15)

Rats, someone beat me to the punch. At any rate, do any of you care to hazard a guess at who the guy on the left of the new background image is?

Yo son -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:12:29)

lol, yes, hopefully the sword is physical and energy.

StriderAigis -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:14:03)


Rats, someone beat me to the punch. At any rate, do any of you care to hazard a guess at who the guy on the left of the new background image is?

Yay i punched some one... wait im not just some one ima mage :3

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:17:17)

@Grun Teufel: Its the Delat Guard who replaces Gamma Guard I think.

BurningFlames -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:17:43)

Well From the looks of it the guy on the left could be an NPC Who is a Tac Merc Because Alydriah Descarl Resembles a Cyber Hunter and the Imperial Tech Mage looks like it could be a Blood Mage? So it's probably a boss :)

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:19:13)

epic varium
well i got 6k from offers i suppose i cld shell out 20 bux as i probably wont make it on time
also did peanut labs stop the 450 for completing 5 offers because the bar is gone and i got my most of the points from videos in labs to get the 450
looks like the hazard will be in fortune city instead of biodome lol?

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:21:09)

Niccccccce. :)


Great job guys, you must have flogged your little socks off and worn out a few hamsters. :)

Agiluz -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:33:37)

Wish the evolve form of bh is armored hazard it would be better that way xD

Lady Blue -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:37:00)

money money money again [8D]

AZN.Peasant -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:41:04)

Can we see what the Delta Destroyer Sword will look like at least ?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 20:53:31)

so is epic varium package 10k? or are they gonna be nice and make it 5k too [:)]

Bunshichi -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:10:15)

Thats also what I want to know i'm tired of seeing 10k only promos

helloguy -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:11:31)

I won't be changing class right away hehe

RKC -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:37:30)

So we only get a sword for the whole delta phase.

altimatum -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:44:49)

glad i'm hoarding creds and varium..... i might just boss battle the whole way through delta if the feature is well made [:)]

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:45:08)

maybe they will change the name+colours of the gamma bike and bot and add those to the package.

altimatum -> RE: =ED= Delta News (6/24/2011 21:57:12)

man i hope the delta sword is available to vendors...

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