(HS)Era of Modo (Full Version)

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Ancientz -> (HS)Era of Modo (6/24/2011 23:54:03)

This is the tale of Ancient Z, a young man in his twenties and his archenemy Kevin LoringStar. Commentary Link, post your disccussions here.


The hooded figure trudged towards the entrance of the forbidding castle. His steps broke the silents, along with the dread dragging noise of his robe dragging on the floor. Knights hissed as the figure rose past them, unaware of their presence. He stopped at the large gate blocking the any entrance into the castle. He "hmped" at the bridge, trying to figure out another way in. The knights began to edge up on him, unsheathing their muscular swords. "Hmph. Really? Will you really try to gang up on Modo himself?" the figure said. The knights made no signs of emotion, preparing to attack the intruder. "Fine. I guess I have to kill you..." the figure said, pulling out a blade. The blade shined with red fury, which was said that one look could make a man mad. The figure deflected the men's attack and pushed them back with his sword. He went into an attack stance and slashed at the men, causing wounds no one could inflict upon another man. "As I told you. I'm Modo, Master of Death and Life. Sorry to tell you but today is your death. Heh." the figure said in a grim voice. He removed the robe and showed himself to his oppenets. Black emo hair, dark blue skin, and a dark armor. Modo took off the helmet on his first enemy and threw it off. "Fatality..." Modo threw his blade in his enemies neck, killing him. The killed knight began to shake, his body thumping on the floor. "Why is it, that you puny humans don't know any of these skills I have? Is it because of your lack of intellegence? I think so. Heh heh heh..." He held up his hand, only to make the knight undead. The second knight stood there in horror. His hand in front of his face, and his eyes wide open like he just witnessed the world exploding. "Your next." Modo said towards his enemy, throwing the blades on his back into the enemies heart and head. The blood from both area's spilled out, oozing onto the floor. Modo laughed as he made the second knight undead. "Break open a doorway in that wooden bridge." Modo commanded towards his minions, holding out the palm of his hand. The two knights did as commanded and broke through the bridge. "Goodie....Now here's your reward, a bone. Go do something with it." Modo said, throwing a tiny bone towards them. He looked behind to see the now stupid and ugly skeletal knights fighting for a plain bone. He laughed at them and walked into the hole the minions made, staring at the hollow and empty castle basepart. "Hmmmm, is no on ehome for my meeting? I guess, my child. You can own this building. After all I taught you, you can have a reward." Modo said, petting a young girls head. "Thanks daddy! I now call myself...PRINCESS ZAFARA!" she shouted out loud, making the last two words echo in the castle. " Go ahead.... Its, just the begging of a new era... THE ERA OF MODO!"
Chapter One: Blade Z

The concetrated look on his face stared blankly at the frozen blade. "I can't." the mouth on the face slowly moved.
"What do you mean? This is required for your testing." a voice from behind said. The face looked behind him, startled.
"I just can't. The blade of ice or the Zarikyla. I can't seem to unfreeze it."
"You are the last of the 26 ancients, Z. Do not forget that you are the only one with the power to change reality itself. And now, TURN THAT ICE INTO FIRE!" Z sighed at his

command, and concetrated harder. The frost on the handle slowly started to burn. The whisps and flames burned like fury, devouring the ice quickly. "I finally did it. I guess the

they were right..." A smirk went on Z's face, the power of reality went through his fingertips and burn the tip of his fingernails. "Master A! Master A! I finnaly controlled it!"

shouted Z, running across the hallway with the Zarikyla in his hand. Master A looked behind him, his robe swiping back, "Z! What id we say about running with swords in the

hallway? Ah, what the heck. Right now is the good thing that you've learned how to burn objects. We must tell Queen Zafara! She would love another knight in her palace!"
Z groaned, "Why do I have to be a soldier of the Castle? Why can't I choose what I want to do!"
"Well, its the way of the Ancients. We must do what the elders say we must do. Now hurry along, and get ready for our trip. Master B and C are coming along too. They want to

see their old friend again." Z nodded and walked towards his room, holding the Zariklya with him firmly. He opened the door to see a man with a dark blue face.
"Hello Z. I've been watching you for a long while. Now....I would walk out the building while you have a chance to live. Heh. Just before my skeletal minions raid it." the blue

faced man grinned.
"Hmmm? I was on my way anyways..." Z said, in a quiet voice and walked out the door. He walked through the empty hallsways and out through the doorway to smell the fresh

smell of grass.

1 year later

Ancient Z walked through the bustling streets of Liberty square. It had been 1 year after becoming a knight for Queen Zafara. Today was his break, and he needed to enjoy it.

"Ah... SuperCity, the best civilazation a man could have. And good thing it's free of villains now and days!" Ancient Z said, eating a bite of meat. A young man, the age of 21, was

chasing a little young boy across the street. Grabbing Zarikyla, Ancient Z chased the man and grabbed his shirt.
"Why were you chasing that little boy?"
"Hmph, youn haven't let me introduce myself yet. Knight. My name is Kevin LoringStar! To-be-king of this area because I will take over this puny land!" Kevin said, pushing

Ancient Z away from him. "Heh... Gotta catch me to interagate first!" Kevin shouted, swiftly zooming away from Liberty Square.
Chapter 2: K Vs. Z

"Hmph. So you got me caught up here? What'll Queen Zafara say when she hears her knight is teroizing a messenger? Heh." Kevin said, holding a musket in his hands.
"Put the musket down, boy. You were breaking the laws by harming that little boy. I'll have no chioce but too-" something distracted Ancient Z.
"But too what, oh not so great knight? Now that I'm about to shoot you, I got your attetion? Oh great, so knights are afraid of muskets." Kevin said, holding his hand on the trigger.
BOOM! The musket fired a small bullet that quickly turned into dust. "I'm dead... I'm dead. How can you do that? Wow, you msut be a wizard or something.... I have to tell the queen about this. She won't be happy with a wizard on her team, no she won't. Oh no.." Kevin said, worrily.
Ancient Z laughed at Kevin's worried voice, "its okay. She already knows. Apparently I'm supposed to be able to control reality."
"Oh really now? I guess I can build my musket back up and shoot you again so you won't be causing me and th' gang anymore trouble. Heh. Goodbye, KNIGHT!"
Kevin fired his musket at Ancient Z. The tiny ball of lead quickly whirled into Ancient Z's head. It lodged out of the back of his head. Barely any blood on it. Ancient Z stood forward, unharmed.
"I made the musket ball weaker than you imagined. I made it's power to be uneffective. I don't think you'll be able to defeat me anytime time soon. Let's get you in jail... Hopefully the queen will be happy with this little prisoner." Ancient Z said, shackling Kevin LoringStar.
~In Zafara's Castle~
"Hrmph, and you want to enter why?" a templar asked, guarding the entrance to Queen Zafra's room.
"Because I have a prisoner to report. As you would say, He's Filfth." Ancient Z told the templar.
"HEY! I'm a human being you know!" Kevin shouted, angry.
"Enter if you want, but be warned. And ask her if she's taking my gold..." the templar said, grunting with everyword he said.
"Thanks Gray, knew you would be a nice guy..." Ancient Z said, pushing open the doors to Queen Zafra's room.
Kevin dragged across the room, while Ancient Z held the rope towards Queen Zafara. She stared at the two men slowly walking towards her direction. Each step with a small SQUEAK on the rusty metal floors.
"You are here, Ancient Z for what reason?" asked Zafara.
"Because he was here breaking the law, torturing a kid." Ancient Z replied, anger in his voice. Kevin looked away to look around the ThroneRoom, each look made each gaze look amazed.
"Stop staring, peasent. Even though you are my messenger... You still broke the law. Take him to the prison, and make sure he dosen't escape," Queen Zafara exclaimed, yelling throughout the whole castle," And don't forget to check with David, my son, birthday party. That Jester supposed to be nice to him, and he says he has a surprise this time. What are you waiting for? GO!" Ancient Z nodded to his queens commands and walked out through the Throne Room doors, just to feel his prisoner slightly lighter...

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