Andy's Crude Club Z (Full Version)

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Balu -> Andy's Crude Club Z (6/26/2011 14:57:30)

Andy's Crude Club Z

Also see Andy's Guardian Club, Andy's Crude Club, Andy's Primitive Club, Andy's Graceless Club, Andy's Barbarous Club, Andy's Archaic Club, Andy's Prehistoric Club

Level: 29Z
Power Level: 54
Price: 1050 Z-tokens
Sellback: 945 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 525 Z-tokens
Location: New Andy Thaws!

Type: Melee
Element: Ice
Damage: 9-27
BTH: 7

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Ice
Damage: 353% Base and Random each
Stats: 228% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: +23
Rate: 20%

All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials (except the above Special) take -5 BTH and deal *85/80 damage.

This is Andy's club which he gave to you after you helped him. Sometime's Andy's "food" will come to your aid. (As powerful as the level 54 version).
Stats thanks to Vivi, Name, Description and Price thanks to big E, Effects thanks to Dev, Write-up and Image thanks to Mystical Warrior

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