Wilderock -> RE: Subscription (6/30/2011 14:46:08)
I like the idea, but for some reason I thought it was already possible. I know how to subscribe to a forum, but I know you used to be able to subscribe to threads. I just can't figure out how. edit: Well, I can't figure out how. I know if you go to your profile to the Control Panel, you can click "My Forums" and view your subscriptions. There are two separate boxes for Subscribed Forums and Subscribed Threads. I just can't figure out how to do it. I think this suggestion is a good idea considering most other forums automatically come with the function, I'm just not sure how high a priority it is. If it isn't implemented, you could alternatively view your recent posts in your profile and simply check on your threads periodically (even click View Last 50 posts, and change the "50" in the url to "300" and view your previous 300). I know it's not the same, but hey, it works.