Lvl 34 for delta?! (Full Version)

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Donny The Ultimate -> Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:10:41)
Click the link above and look at the picture
- Titan is lvl 33
- damage of the staff is 34 - 1

what might this mean? :P
maybe lvl 34? do you guys think lvl 34 will be available for delta? :D

Drakadh -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:11:48)

What an eye Don! :D


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:14:12)

also the stats are around 9 str, 10 dex, and 8 support if you take away Necro armro base stats thats what you get

Polandor -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:14:18)

It's only mean Delta weapon are lv 34.
Witch is a good thing. (they will do 33 damage for now, and when lv cap is raised 34 for lv 34).

Level 34 will happen but in many months.

Drakadh -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:15:39)


Only a Admin can answer that xD

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:18:10)

Woow nice , 34 lvl can be possible with delta but we got less 33 lvl weps why they did this so quick :/

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 11:26:32)


5rr5 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 12:45:34)

How did u find him in the battle and who is the other guy with Delta stuffs?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 12:47:54)


How did u find him in the battle and who is the other guy girl with Delta stuffs?

That's Charfade

5rr5 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 12:50:41)

How do you know that? And did you find this in Titan's Twitter or something?

Nexus... -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 13:01:47)


also the stats are around 9 str, 10 dex, and 8 support if you take away Necro armro base stats thats what you get

Don't forget enhancements. Well, maybe Titan can't afford them...

I hope the weapons have 9+10+8 (27) - 6 Stats, and have 8 Enhancements to make up for there outrageous damage.


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 13:03:14)

thats why its around those stats becuase we dont know if Titan had Enhancments

Practel -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:16:52)

I'd like to point out that the first to find this was NDMallet on tweeter :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:19:40)

does it really matter who pointed it out Prac(even tho me and ND both found it on FB in a chat)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:22:17)

i like how there is a way to debuff someone's support now
grats cyber hunter u guys wont be weak and useless after all.

elm street -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:32:14)

@ above: dont but down something you barely no anything on

anyways i just reached 33 lol good to have another goal

goldslayer1 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:35:04)

@elm street
im not
its just that so many people say cyber hunter is the weakest out of all the 3 because it only gets a energy stun grenade.
now that they have a skill that reduces 20+ support at lvl 1. that will be OP IMO. they basicaly counted support builds that includes merc and mage and we will see about the new classes.
i wanna know what the forum thinks about it now

ShadowQupid -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:39:02)

If there is going to be lvl 34 guys (uni-gender term intended), Take a close look at how much exp points we must acquire although most varium players can do that within 3days.

elm street -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:39:10)

that the only skill we no of... they could simply mean ch are keeping the stun grenade skill but obviously the energy version

Rayman -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:39:26)

A skill to low supp? I was thinking that the only way to reduce supp is with curse.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:42:28)

i know but im just simply saying alot of people jumped to conclusion saying they are weak because they thought CH got the short end of the stick.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:44:55)

CH is the only class that was said to be Defencive so im thinking it could be the new Tank class

elm street -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:45:55)

hope soo a tank works for me =P especially if we have bl which i doubt tho

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/29/2011 14:47:07)

an offcencive passive on a defencive character im thinking no too but its Cyber Hunter you mgith get reroute or a skill simplar to that

garko96 -> RE: Lvl 34 for delta?! (6/30/2011 14:57:26)

i like lvl 34 but then i think robot builds we be much more better

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