Warlic (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Warlic (6/30/2011 15:47:42)


«Scaling guest. Element-seeks between the eight standard elements, although does slightly less damage and has an increased cost»

Location: WarpGuardian Tower > WarpGuardian Missions > First Contact
Upkeep: 1.5*round(0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375*YourLevel + 0.01125*YourLevel^2)) SP, rounded normally

**Base: 0.3 * (5.25 + 0.5625*YourLevel+ 0.00375*YourLevel^2) damage, rounded normally
**Rand: 0.3 * (10.5 + 1.125*YourLevel+ 0.0075*YourLevel^2) damage, rounded normally
**Stat: [1.125 * (100 + 4.4*YourLevel)]%
BTH: +(Level/4), rounded down

ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: «See below»
Damage: 80% Base, Random, and Stats damage
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Note: This attack element-seeks between the eight standard elements. It uses whatever element the monster is weakest to.

If you do not have enough SP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing SP). On every other round, if you do not have enough SP, then he leaves.**

*Warlic waits for you to be ready. (##SP required or he will leave next turn)
**Warlic leaves to continue some of his research. (Not enough SP: ##SP required)


Appendix: Numbers by Level
Level	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	SP
0	2-4	90	0	8
5	2-6	110	1	11
10	2-8	130	2	12
15	3-10	149	3	15
20	4-13	169	5	18
25	5-15	189	6	21
30	6-18	209	7	24
35	7-21	229	8	27
40	8-24	248	10	30
45	9-27	268	11	33
50	10-31	288	12	36
55	11-34	308	13	39
60	13-39	328	15	44
65	14-42	347	16	47
70	15-45	367	17	51
75	17-50	387	18	54
80	18-54	407	20	59
85	19-57	427	21	63
90	21-63	446	22	68
95	22-67	466	23	71
100	24-71	486	25	75

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