Yo son -> RE: yo son almost "Perfect Solution" (6/30/2011 23:43:37)
Static is a freaking passive, use ur dam brains. Is the same stuff as reroute, expect that this time, u have to attack to gain mana, and the both have the same consequences, if you block having reroute you wont gain mana back, if you get block using static you wont gain any mana back; if you have high defense using reroute, you will gain little mana, if you opponent has high defense, when you attack having static you would also gain mana back; so, think twice before you say that static isnt a passive, because it makes no freaking sense. And Yes am pissed off again, hybrid should be removed from this dam game!!!!!!!!!!!! Any class you give hybrid to, it will make them Oped, just remove the stupid skill and replace it with something else. 12*4=48, thats how much skill points you guys gave to mercs. and tac mercs. and that way too dam much. Thats a fully enhanced frostbane +12 more stats; and the fact that the move doesn't cause any mana, and is passive, meaning 48 extra stats each round makes it even worst. Heres option #3, let players test they game for you; don't only use 9-10 different players to make up an estimate of what would look balance when you guys were testing it. You made a class and gave them hybrid, reroute, smoke screen, poison, and a way to regenerate hp. but on the other hand you made a class and gave them no physical shield.