spoiler button (Full Version)

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master mix -> spoiler button (6/30/2011 16:30:55)


Up until a few seconds ago, I didn't know how to make a spoiler!

I could not find the button!

To keep this from happening to anybody else, I think that there should be a spoiler button added.

That's it.

Wilderock -> RE: spoiler button (7/2/2011 13:43:11)

This has been suggested before, and quite a few other times, actually. In the link provided, Falerin stated that it would require a change to the forum code that may not be a priority to the forum coders (even if it is undoubtedly convenient for us). I would like to see it happen, but on the other hand, I don't really mind not having the button.

This link is also provided in the thread which the first link leads to; it may also be useful for you.

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