Start as One of The New Classes (Full Version)

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bruce9297 -> Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 19:07:37)

I don't Understand Why You can't Just start as one of the new classes

altimatum -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 19:08:58)

^ it's hard to imagine a level 1 tactical merc.....but it's possible [:)]

bruce9297 -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 19:09:36)

Lol a Lvl 1 BM Would Wreck xD

Nebula -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 19:21:45)

No, it's not possible, and shouldn't happen. They are CLASS EVOLUTIONS, variations of the current BASE CLASSES. What game do you see that let's you choose from every single class in the game when you start out?

bruce9297 -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 19:23:01)

Who really cares lol.. Do you think that many people would restart just to save some var or creds?

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (6/30/2011 20:19:50)

I was looking forward to starting as a new class too, and I think it'd be a nice option even if they are considered "class evolutions"

earth breather -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 1:30:57)

a quote from the ED Wiki:

One of the starting classes you can choose when you register for EpicDuel.

Like I think all AE games(ED being bought is not relevant in this case.) ED has 3 starting classes. You have to pay to become other classes in game. Whether it be credits or Real money to buy tokens etc. So ED has 3 starting classes and all the others from now will be needed to be bought. Life isn't handed to you on a silver platter you know.


Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 4:45:15)

Do you have to be level 33 in order to class evolve? Or can you just pay the fee? If it's the latter, then you can actually 'start' as one of the new classes by paying 900 varium from the start.

earth breather -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 4:55:37)

^Good point. However Not Necessarily as technically you either start as a Mercenary, Tech Mage or Bounty Hunter. So you cant "start" as one because as soon as you enter the game you are that specific class not in 10 minutes or 2 hours.

Soda Pop -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 17:52:41)


Wraith -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 18:21:42)

You can always spend 10$ for class upgrade...

tigura -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 18:24:40)

No. These classes are evolutions of the old ones. You should not be allowed to change to the evolution at the beginning of the game.

Wraith -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 18:27:07)

^Well you can --- I never said you should. I said you can.

tigura -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 18:29:35)

^sorry i was talking to the Writer of the first post

Wraith -> RE: Start as One of The New Classes (7/1/2011 18:32:30)

^Ah I see.

The devs should let level 28's change into TLM. I'm used to owning level 28s, not letting take me to almost dying. And lug---Lag and luck is crazy. HOW DOES THE LEVEL 28 NOT SKIP TURNS WHILE I SKIPPED ALL BUT 4 TURNS!

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