4th Of July (Full Version)

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BurningFlames -> 4th Of July (7/1/2011 12:43:17)

Do you think that this Friday (July 1st) There will be an update? I mean the 4th Of July is coming soon and here in Canada it's Canada Day!

I would love it if there was a Promo As well, but I'm worried that the people who bought 50k Varium the day of delta, will have to buy another just for a promo!
Do you think the devs will give it free too the people who JUST Bought a 50k Package like they use too?

goldslayer1 -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 12:46:51)

i doubt it but maybe they they wll give the promo free for those who bought last time.
either way for me it dont matter, i was planning on buying another $50 pack today but ill save it for the promo.

BurningFlames -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 12:50:30)

Yeah I "Stupidly" forgot about the 4th of July and Bought the Varium Right-Away. Hopefully they will give the people who purchased Varium, the promo for free

goldslayer1 -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 12:51:32)

well its probably only going to be screaming eagle.
but hopefully they'll add some new cool sword or something.

Drakadh -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 13:02:13)

Hopefully a non and var armor perhaps? :)


Wraith -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 13:09:33)


I've been waiting this long, if they don't gimmeh something good, I'm going to SCREAM LIKE A SCREAMING EAGLE

BurningFlames -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 13:29:57)

They really shouldn't bring back the screaming eagle, That's old and lame :/

Retrosaur -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 13:31:28)

Um....probably no release.

Think about it....Titan has been frantically coding to get the new classes in (it takes a LOT of coding and checking to make sure it's perfect), Nightwraith has been drawing up the new animations for the classes as well as the new art (icons, skills, weapons, achievements, FORTUNE CITY), and Charfade has been drawing drawing drawing. They are going to take a break.

It's honestly reasonable, since it's after the Delta release.

BurningFlames -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 13:34:25)

^ That is also True but you can always hope :)

edwardvulture -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 14:20:37)

I remember last year they start to have webnesday releases

sylar67 -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 14:27:55)

yup theres an update today i think for reducing lag as titan said in his twitter and probably independence stuff :)

Tiago X -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 14:40:56)

Why can't they release it only on the 4rth July? Do we really need 2 updates in one week? : )

AQWPlayer -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 15:14:58)

Maybe to make up for the insanely long wait?

Tiago X -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 15:25:05)

^Which was absolutely worth it, and if you do not enjoy it, it is your fault : )

helloguy -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 15:55:22)

THey could always pull out last years designs and pull out a quik update with weapons. And maybe even Screaming Eagle

edwardvulture -> RE: 4th Of July (7/1/2011 16:04:19)

Too bad for you BurningFlames. You just learned an important question. I regret buying varium as well. I don't use it on anything except faction. I should have upgraded in DF or even MQ.

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