RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 14:58:08)

@mir Class changing is the easy way out and taking the easy way means your weak.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 14:58:56)

I see you are the one being annoying. Telling people to stop complaining while you are using the OP class is unacceptable.

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:03:02)

i think people are complaining about the other classes cuz they want there class the be the best of all

xxmirxx -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:04:20)

Yes I am weak because I was mage for whole year when under power and I now want be merc so I can do 2vs2.

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:06:07)

^ why wont u change -_-"

supermasivo -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:07:07)

OFC im a tactical poison max build... u are just so upset couse u havent made the ryt option when u start the game! not our problem QQ. Why is unacceptable? i cant get that point LOL.
and ofc NOT Oped, you just try to cover ur stupidity not knowing how to make a decent build for your CH or ur BM and in that way i cant do anything to improve your mental capacity LOL...
And i repeat... Tac mercs CAN be defeated i have being defeated a lot of times... u just have to know how to play... and if u want a 1vs1? just meet me anytime u want, IGN: ROBERTOCO.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:09:30)


OFC im a tactical poison max build... u are just so upset couse u havent made the ryt option when u start the game! not our problem QQ. Why is unacceptable? i cant get that point LOL.
and ofc NOT Oped, you just try to cover ur stupidity not knowing how to make a decent build for your CH or ur BM and in that way i cant do anything to improve your mental capacity LOL...

First thing: fix your grammar. Second thing: Saying LOL wont help you cover your stupidity.

xxmirxx -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:12:51)

reyes 89 2 reason why I can't access my account because I need laptop my broken too expensive to fix. second I don't want switch because of number 1.

supermasivo -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:25:01)

AQW i know for your low mental capacity u just cant make a decen reply, sorry for you and your poor skills on battle... u are spamming all post crying like a little kid and NO GM gonna read you, couse you are just like other 1234234234 lame kiddos crying for their nerfed classes! QQ..
And about my "grammar" let me see how you write in spanish, ok?

AND BY THE WAY u understood me perfectly, so grammar dont care a S*** to me ryt now =)

Yo son -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:28:02)

yeah a strenght BH, what happened to all the other 4 classes.
Like Clutch Said, One specific build shouldn't be the only build a class is vulnerable to. Because there a 5 more freaking classes, you cant make a build for one class in the game. thats called Oped, and Clutch is a freaking BH with smoke, how about BM with no debuff? and strength debuff doesn't count, because when ur smoked, and u reduce ur opponent strength, his basically going to hit the same. I mean, wtf I cant even use the gamma bot, because now the assault bot has to be my defense.

xxmirxx -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:34:59)

Clutch just piss off because there under power class and he hates. btw this what mages went though and you all told us we were over power. just get use to being under power.

Yo son -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:35:07)

And btw, if you think your a blood mage with a good build, why don't you start playing when the leader board resets, when most of the players online are lvl 33, full varium. Because killing non varium, and low lvl doesn't declare your build good, but rather it says "my level is higer" and "my items are better." Last night i had a less than 23 percent win rate, i actually did the calculations, 23 percent win ratio out of 100 battles; Ask Lord Nub, I battle him atleast 6 times, and lost with him having more than 83 hp. so why dont you so call BMs with good build start playing by 12pm, when the leaderboard resets, and every level is trying to get on the leader board, either but 2 hours of fame, or to get 1vs1 or 2vs2 achievement, if you build is so Pwnish then with a win ratio higher than 70 percent, then come talk to me, until then, quit BSing yourself.

Sadly am a lvl 33, full varium player, with the best weapons; and 23 percent!!!!!!

xxmirxx -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:38:59)


reyes 89 2 reason why I can't access my account because I need laptop my broken too expensive to fix. second I don't want switch because of number 1.

yo son I wasn't talking about BM. I was talking about tech mages b4 these classes.

king julian -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 15:51:22)

well if they max both there passives then they only have 13 skill points and ill laugh at them XDDDD

edwardvulture -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 16:07:14)

LOL 23% Maybe you should think like a merc N bh and use strength build with DA and berzerk.

H4ll0w33n -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 17:57:52)

Cyber Hunters lost Blood Lust, Blood Mages lost reroute, but Tactical Mercs get to keep Hybrid Armor? Wait... what?

Mages kept DA, BH kept SA, Merc ONLY had hybrid. Its class evo not forget ur skills and be a new class change...

And don't tell me their not overpowered, because the fact is, they are. Not because their unbeatable, I agree that a certain build could beat them, but if that build is the ONLY build that can beat a class while sacrificing losses to all other builds, then its considered overpowered.

Why dont you spend a week making a build and after that tell me if it is still overpowered. It has only been 2 days and your complaining. Unless youve tried all builds of all new classes then dont say anything is overpowered at this time.

Consider the heal looping mages, yeah if you created a specific build to beat them, it could be done, but at what cost?

Not really too big of a deal after i made 50+ build and found one to counter all builds except strength spam in beta's heal loopers.

Yo son -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 18:28:26)


LOL 23% Maybe you should think like a merc N bh and use strength build with DA and berzerk.

well i made a strength build, then I realized that DA required 42 support.

BlueKatz -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 23:33:37)

Remove Healing (Field Medic) from Ta Mer

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 23:37:30)


Sorry to burst your bubble, but this does not happen. A Strenght BH can easily beat a TLM , with the right equipment. Don't come with the "we no has founder armor and frostbite claws" , a good player knows what to do to counter the new OP class, not whine.

ya before saying that actually be a str bh not a tac merc,
im a str bh with a pretty good build and frostbite and founder armor and i have a lot of trouble with the average tac merc,,, i remember a dev saying tac mercs arent the OP class, add 1 to the list of lies

goldslayer1 -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 23:37:41)


well i made a strength build, then I realized that DA required 42 support.

why do u need to max it?
maxxing it is a waste of points.
lvl 1-5 is fine.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/1/2011 23:38:51)

if he has stun guns max gives u +10 dmg

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/2/2011 0:07:12)

Hey take a look here, it's the same people who complained about heal loopers. Man, don't you all ever give it a rest? It looks as though the game evolved and you all failed to evolve. Remember the saying " Evolve or die"? There you go.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/2/2011 0:08:48)


if he has stun guns max gives u +10 dmg

thats not worth it u can get +9 with lvl 7

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/2/2011 0:16:02)


OFC im a tactical poison max build... u are just so upset couse u havent made the ryt option when u start the game! not our problem QQ. Why is unacceptable? i cant get that point LOL.
and ofc NOT Oped, you just try to cover ur stupidity not knowing how to make a decent build for your CH or ur BM and in that way i cant do anything to improve your mental capacity LOL...
And i repeat... Tac mercs CAN be defeated i have being defeated a lot of times... u just have to know how to play... and if u want a 1vs1? just meet me anytime u want,
actually the reason your losing a lot is because your really not very good at the game.

and talking about mental capacities......^^

if BM or CH could create an incredibly powerful build that had a great chance against every other build in the game as easy as tactical mercs
can, you would see way more of those 2 classes. as it is its nearly all tactical mercs cause its hard to go wrong if you a decent player.

also add in that Cinderella agreed that many of the abilities were working too well together for tactical mercs

goldslayer1 -> RE: Really Tactical Mercs? (7/2/2011 0:19:18)


Cyber Hunters lost Blood Lust, Blood Mages lost reroute, but Tactical Mercs get to keep Hybrid Armor? Wait... what?

mercs lost field commander, berserker, intimidate, and bunker buster, and bloodshield. i think that should be more than enough.


also add in that Cinderella agreed that many of the abilities were working too well together for tactical mercs

the mind of some players can do good things ;)

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