christmas tree (Full Version)

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Rooster -> christmas tree (7/1/2011 18:16:45)

Does anyone else think that the Delta Destroyer looks like a christmas tree? Did the holiday special come a little bit early this year?

Wraith -> RE: christmas tree (7/1/2011 18:24:01)

Not really. Its spiky, and the spikes are brownish.

tigura -> RE: christmas tree (7/1/2011 18:26:24) As sinastr Said above, it is too spikey to be a tree lol

Rooster -> RE: christmas tree (7/1/2011 18:35:00)

ok. let me rephrase: it reminds me of a dried out spiky christmas tree.

Wraith -> RE: christmas tree (7/1/2011 18:36:25)

^That I admit. However, the sword gets wider at the top. A Xmas tree gets thinner at the top.

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