Thylek Shran -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 4:52:56)
We are looking at a few ways to buff Blood Mages and Cyber Hunters, and give Tactical Mercenaries a slight nerf. The thing is, in testing, we didn't necessarily try every piece of equipment with every possible enhancement possibility. I like defensive builds with a lot of support- I made a pretty effective heal loop build. In testing, Blood Mage was the most powerful class- both with others and myself testing it. So, yes, we did test the classes, and we believe that BMs and CH's need a buff, and that we need to reduce the synergy between technician and smokescreen- we'd actually hoped that using one would use up too much energy and time to make the other useful. The synergy effect is not the problem. The problem is that this class has hybrid AND reroute and also a cheap extra heal called Frenzy. I thought this was only for testing when i saw the pre-released screenshot of that and that reroute would get removed. I instantly knew that this would make this class so OPed. My advice would be to replace reroute and buff Frenzy slightly. You could also replace Technician with Blood Shield or Energy Shield but they wont have a dex skill then. Maybe give them Stun Grenade to replace reroute because its the only dex skill that would fit and Stun Grenades are a good tactical tool that need also some support to work well. - Reroute + Stun Grenade (dex; benefits also from support) - Technican (dex) + Blood Shield / Energy Shield (support)