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PumKing -> Pleas eLock This Thread (7/3/2011 2:06:55)

I can't take it anymore, have gone through battle after battle, but it is just too bogus. I know I have said it before, but I am once again compelled to say it again, Tacticle mercs are oped, I just fought anouther 5-focus TLM with full hybrid, 8+ res armor, reroute, and smoke, what little damage I could do was was easily healed up because reroute allowed him to use highly lvled up skills, and the tank only got more powerful as he smoked me then took hammers at me with the gamma bot (of course highly powerful due to the extra points allowed on tech because of hybrid armor). So I finally get him to 30 health then he uses a lvl 4 heal and gets back 50 health. It is very frustrating to have to play against this class where you get outmatched every turn. Not to mention all the str mercs with smoke (who are just the same as a normal str merc, but with smoke now instead, which they can keep due to the effects of the hybrid armor). I am now just waiting to deal with a toxic grenade heal-looping merc, to throw it's Oped fists at me now. Please devs, can you make these guys balanced?

xxmirxx -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 2:20:02)

OMG shut up

We are looking at a few ways to buff Blood Mages and Cyber Hunters, and give Tactical Mercenaries a slight nerf. The thing is, in testing, we didn't necessarily try every piece of equipment with every possible enhancement possibility. I like defensive builds with a lot of support- I made a pretty effective heal loop build. In testing, Blood Mage was the most powerful class- both with others and myself testing it. So, yes, we did test the classes, and we believe that BMs and CH's need a buff, and that we need to reduce the synergy between technician and smokescreen- we'd actually hoped that using one would use up too much energy and time to make the other useful.
there going be nerf.

The Shadow Creeper -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 2:46:35)

yea so calm down and shut up
Everytime you keep complaining is very annoying

Lord/Fredd -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 4:02:36)

You just made a long topic about it, so shy do you need to make another one? I am sure we've all understood your problem, but stop complaining. Some classes will always be better than the other one, and i don't even think Tactical Mercenary is that better. Just make a better build or enjoy the game.

- And as xxmirxx said, the devs are working on it and doing their best, so give them some time.

T29060 -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 10:55:17)

Dude stop complaining the classes are still being balanced. And if tat mercs are tooo OP then how come you don't join their OPness?

Wraith -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 10:57:31)

Gods, I've only lost to 1 tac merc so far. Thats cuz I got crit and three of my turns were skipped. THREE.

Other times I smoke 'em and they're screwed.

PumKing -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 10:58:23)

@Lord/Fredd, the problem is, there is no making a better build, not when facing a 5-foucs, tank, heal-looping TLM, even A str BH build becomes worthless, because smoke used to be our best be t against them, but now not only can they counter our smoke with a smoke of there own, now they can also heal and use multiple highly lvled skills.

Just saying, look at the skills that were broght over from the original merc class and transfered to the TLM, the mp cost remained the same, and we're talking stuff that cost single digits originally, and under 30 when fully maxed kind of skills. Now take a look at the forlorn Mage skill tree, everything is so monsterously expensive that the only way to pull off multiple powerfull moves is to put points into reroute, it is definately a requirment if a mage wants to be a threat, at all. If the devs are absolutely intent on letting the TLM's have reroute, then all of there skills need to be respectively increased in mp cost(excluding fm of course).

@T29060 because that would be the cowarly move, and would only perpetuate the OPedness which is trying to ruin the game for variety, fun, and for actually having multiple classes

@LordSinastr, I don't know what kind of TLM's you are facing, but they were obviously not very good, try facing competant lvl 33 TLMs who use full var, hybrid, use some reroute, and use a lvled up FM that heals around 50 (a five focus build does that easily), and who also have some smoke (which incedentally increases with tech, something that mercs and TLMs are known to spam becasue they can due to hybrid armor), then come back to me, mm-kay?

T29060 -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 11:02:26)

Acually there is a build. Use a 5 focus tank heal looping TLM. Happy?

tigura -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 11:32:05)

Actually, reroute prevents you from having high level skills because it takes up skill points...
What it lets you do is use a couple medium level skills more than once

PumKing -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 13:01:13)

normally, yes, but thanks to hybrid armor, the TLM can easily afford to be 5-focus, and even spread out his stat out evenly to help the skills which are boosted by a certain stat to have it high in it, like smokescreen, but in all honesty, all I have really seen is that particular build anyway, max hybrid, max reroute, mid-eir smoke, mid-tier technician, lvl 3-5 FM. I have also face 3 toxic grenade TLMs, and they were also 5-focus tanks, and it is no cake walk to face them, no way to get past technology with the ability to use technician, can only moderatle get through def as dex is high (from points not put into str) then just bot and zooka, while also taking and extra 14 damage each turn, then healing when getting low, and waiting all again to reuse toxic granade. It is simply bogus how little the devs seem to care about balance in this game, I am really starting to lose faith in them (sad because i really want this game to continue, because even after all this, i still have a little fun here and there, when I'm not having to face tank TLMs with smoke toxic, reroute , and heal-looping that is)

Nailboss -> RE: Can't Stand It (7/3/2011 13:07:35)

emp / atom smasher kills heal loop

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/3/2011 13:15:21)

Oh come on. TLM are gonna be nerfed stop complaining and deal with it. Cindy confirmed CH and BM will be buffed and TLM will get a slight nerf. End of disucssion. Nuff said. Just wait tell the next update. Gee.[8|]

m16dern warfare -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/3/2011 13:22:09)

i cant believe ur stil complaining, all the posts u have done plumking makes it seem to the devs like many people want the nerf, when only u do im reporting you now xD

btw i have been beaten by all 6 of the classes and im a tlm. u just have to know what to do

XWorstNightmareX -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 18:29:45)

Omg you monkeys still complaining about TLM being OP, we all know TLM are gonna be nerfed and BM and CH are gonna be buffed like crazy.

Normy -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 20:20:57)


PumKing -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 22:01:03)

@Normy dude, way to bump, try not to do that, it is bad forum ettiqute. And I would like to say, thanks to some newly aquired friends (in-game), I no longer believe TLMs Oped, but I am still a bit disgruntle to them. But like Cinderella said, there is a bit too much synergy with hybrid, reroute, and technician.

Also, would like to formally request a lock for this thread, my emotions no longer are controling my responses on the topic of TLMs, the devs will deal with there builds as they become too powerful in-game as time goes on, as will the devs do the same for the other new classes.

Locked as requested. ~Rabby

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 22:03:59)


OMG shut up

ya dude shut up, they already come up with an idea that they will make bm and cbh strong

MrBones -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 22:15:03)

Nice pumking. Good to see your not blinded by rage anymore :)

PumKing -> RE: TLMs still very bogus (7/4/2011 22:16:06)

I blame YOU for that Mr. Bones ;P

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