Dear Epic Duel (Full Version)

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soul sythe11 -> Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 14:15:44)

I remember the times when I told myself that ED would get better. I believed that they would make the needed changes that would unlock the full potential of the game that they had in their hands. I waited and waited. During my wait I experienced class nerfing, skill nerfing, and nerf nerfing. All attempts at trying to balance out the game in a futile game of whack-a-mole. I can only watch helplessly as ED progresses in this saddening fashion. I tried to submit my my own suggestions into the suggestion thread for some wondering AK to look at...but I've never see any of them go in game. What I can not do is submit a valid suggestion into the general discussion forum for players to critique, perfect, and support. Of course I could try, but the topic would be taken down within 5 mins. Why? This effectively cuts off the game community's ability to offer suggestions to improve the game as a whole. So, left powerless and forced to watch as ED continues this way I realize I'm given a choice. I'm not forced. I could leave this sinking vessel and enter another. I'm sure they wouldn't miss me. After all, they never seemed to have taken my or any other person's attempt at contributing as a whole into serious consideration.

So, simply put, I'm considering leaving ED for a while unless they either find an effective way to balance the game out and make it fun for everyone or make a more effective way for us, the community, to come together and think of a way to do this. Frankly, I'm tired of being powerless when I feel I could do something that would benift the game and the community. I'm not trying to troll or flame ED, I'm just trying to present my argument in a way that you would take it into consideration. I would hate to leave ED because of the friends I have made in it but, again, I'm tired of being unable to help contribute to the game.

Also, before I get some "who cares u noob" comments, I'm a level 32 founder with a favorable win rate.


MrBones -> RE: Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 14:21:21)

The game is fine. The game is thriving. The game is getting bigger. The game is getting more exiting. The game is getting more and more people joining everyday. The game keeps adding new content. The game just switched to a whole new level of graphics and class.

Like in the days where animals were evolving, some of them couldn't adapt and their species died. I believe the new class will kill some of the wekeast players and let the stronger ones fully develop.

So long soul sythe11

Removed trolling comments. ~Lectrix

DeathGuard -> RE: Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 14:25:43)

@Soul: Cya old buddy, hopefully you will be returning next week when supposely will a great update with nerf and buff.

Removed trolling comment. ~Lectrix

soul sythe11 -> RE: Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 14:46:22)

@MrBones: By thriving do you mean more people wasting tons of money to have a chance at fighting other people that spend money? By bigger do you mean more zones with more stat heavy items that break the balance? By more exciting do you mean the rage rush you get from getting blocked, deflected, and loosing turns to lag? By new content do you mean more balance breaking classes? The only thing I agree with in your comment is graphics. And sure, call me a complainer. I deserve it for trying to do something good. I know I wouldn't be missed by most people though, so I accept that.

@cyberbakio ryugan: I said I would leave if things didn't get better. If by some miracle the game takes a step in the right direction, I may stay. Unlikely though. So...Cya probably. =P

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 16:55:23)

Lol well this is Epic Duel for ya! Cya.

nbb1315 -> RE: Dear Epic Duel (7/4/2011 17:12:42)

i do agree with the lag making you skip your turn but everything else to me is fine if your build sucks so be it but then u can just ask players, mods, admins, forums etc..... for help. hope you return with a new attitude towards the game good luck

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