Trading, Make it or Break it (Full Version)

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Atomic garden -> Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:50:50)

I alongside with many others would love to see trading implemented

Yes I know its risky but this game could seriously benefit (morale wise) from it, I see plenty of angry players trollin this forum all the time and im sure it may satisfy a few of them.

Does the risk out weigh the reward?

I am an AVID (1200 hours+) player of VALVe's Team fortress 2 and they have a VERY solid trading method

Tf2 trade window

And im sure this would take away alot of the user error risk, with its 2 check system

I would like to hear your guys thoughts on what could be improved or whether it should be added at all.

Rider_of_Rohan -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:53:54)

I really don't think this is such a bad idea. I cannot understand AE's dislike of trading, most MMO's implement trading, and EpicDuel and AQW are two of the very few that don't.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:54:46)

I think it's great but I can see where little kids are gonna cry because they don't understand the real world is a very harsh place to live.

Personally I'd love to see this implemented :)

Rayman -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:55:00)

For trading we need a new password so when u put the items or credits u wanna trade it says password is requiered to complete trading so the hackers cant get the itemswe should be able to trade MAX 500 varium Per. Acc and credits and cant trade ultra rare items.

Atomic garden -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:57:33)

Im interested in what you guys think about the tf2 trade window idea, or if there should be a different method

Drago9999 -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:57:47)

The reason trading is outlawed by AE is because a hacker can send all of your items to his account and there is also possibility of getting scammed.

ND Mallet -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 14:59:52)

Two reasons why it most likely won't be implemented.

1. Hackers will easily abuse this system by stealing all the good items from the people they hack.
2. It will allow for higher level players to trade their amazing items to their alts and pwn every new player. Plus you could easily buy varium gear on your lvl 33 acc for your new acc and trade it over. That would easily result in severe balance issues and money loss. Why buy varium for your new account when you could just use the varium from your old account to get the new gear for your new account?

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 15:06:30)

So basically this all goes down to profit, the Devs won't implement this because of profit and the excuse for hackers. I also play tf2 and no body gets hacked there. So why can't the Devs here create a safe enough system to prevent hackers from getting our items?

DeathSpawn -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 15:09:14)

Nobody gets hacked here either you ignorant players give out information and call it being hacked.

m16dern warfare -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 15:28:20)

nononono do auction system so if ur acc gets hacked, u cant trade witht he hackers acc, but make a public auction system where u can seel ur items to everyone in the public for price of varium credits and or items. if ur demands are not met within a time limit, the auction expires u get ur items back

SpeedNfs -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 19:43:37)


So basically this all goes down to profit, the Devs won't implement this because of profit and the excuse for hackers. I also play tf2 and no body gets hacked there. So why can't the Devs here create a safe enough system to prevent hackers from getting our items?

I've never played TF2, but I'm guessing the player base there is a lot older. Now, it can be argued that the people on the ED forums are, if not old, mature - but they represent less than 10% of ED's player base. The older the player base, the less people can be scammed, and therefore, less or no scammers. In EpicDuel, most players below level 28 have a build that makes no sence, all the wrong weapons, and speak randomly with each sentence followed by "lol". Implementing trading here could prove to be disasterous - kids are still potential customers, and if they get scammed, bye-bye profit.

ajs777 -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 19:51:53)

there are so few items that trading really doesnt make much sense in my opinion

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 19:52:21)

make 2 passwords one to login and one to trade so if a person says something like gimme ur account ill put varium on it they would need to get the 2nd password and the 2nd cant be the same as the 1st, also 99% of hacking accusations are just scammers, if u get scammed thats ur problem, also being able to trade something like 1k varium for a certain wep could be beneficial against hacking because if someone says "gimme ur account ill put on varium" u cld say why not trade that 10k over to mine also balance issues of sending over rares to other alts, make it so it cant be done on same IP address so it would be harder also reducing the risk of scammers as they would need a 2nd computer with a different IP to trade accounts
also a 2nd option might be able to make trading only available on the computer u use (kinda like a FB security setting i have, if i wanna go on my account on a different computer im sent a text and i put it in then i continue)
any for this idea? against it? and why?

ajs777 -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 20:03:40)

^ no need for two passwords, simply DONT give your password to them, if they are that dumb to give their pass they probably dont ahve anythign worth trading anyway

m16dern warfare -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 20:04:39)

if u get hacked, well if tr4ade is implemented, people can scam

rej -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 23:24:32)

trading would be an awesome feature. i know some people will say 'everyone will be trying to hack my acc' or 'think of all the people begging for my stuff?' but the pros would far outweigh the cons here.

i could finnaly buy that stun gun i've allways wanted [:D]

LunarWarlord -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/5/2011 23:26:54)

The big problem if the trading system is that non varium player can get varium weapons, That will lead in AE in losing money for the game.

ajs777 -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 0:36:31)

the only way you get hacked is if your too stupid to give your password out, and those who actually do give their password out probably dont ahve gear worth taking, two passwords is simply ridiculous, its a nice thought, but no

not to mention people with rare items such as buffy who spam things like charfades blaster could start a black market style of things, plus you couldnt trade pay actual varium for stuff because people could easily over charge other people for things that it really isnt worth

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 0:46:41)

well then it would be ur choice to buy it

Midnightsoul -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 1:08:51)

how about a person sends a request to trade, tjen u can click yes or no. u may also block the user if he keeps requesting.

B345T -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 5:14:27)

More imperfected content to be abused and complained about? No thanks :P
If it ever is implemented (Which I highly doubt), it should be done so after we have the main objective of the game balanced ;).

MrBones -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 6:10:35)

I would love trading... I would be willing to pay good money for a founder armor.....

Like Angels said, Not implement this option because of an extremely small minority of stupid and naive players that could get hack or scam is ludicrous.

Monstrocon -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 8:12:06)

The trading option could work if we have membership implemented in this game.
It would be a heck of a mess to change the system from varium to membership, but it's a very popular idea.
In Runescape, trading is implemented and is viable because there is membership, and no special currency.
If they make membership, then trading is a go-go.
Varium items could still exist, but to trade them you perhaps need varium or a varium item to compensate.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 8:25:53)

hackers this hackers that. blah blah blah blah.
excuses. seriously.

there are MANY ways to prevent someone's items from being traded by a hack
dont allow trades if they come from the same IP/comp.
make trades cost a little bit of varium (100-200 maybe?)
this way they can be tracked and IF anything does infact happen it can be traced ad be undone if any issues are found. (which there shouldn't if the system is set up right.)

i made many posts here and in aqw about how to prevent people's items from getting hacked in a trade.
and if their accounts got hacked because they gave their accounts away. thats their problem, their fault.
i also suggested it several times on aqw suggestions. but nothing. i gotten alot of people to tell me that its a good system but right now i just dont feel like writing all of that. but i will if titan and NW consider it putting a trade option in ED.


not to mention people with rare items such as buffy who spam things like charfades blaster could start a black market style of things, plus you couldnt trade pay actual varium for stuff because people could easily over charge other people for things that it really isnt worth

so ur saying no to the system because of 1 person?
thats stupid.
seriously thousand of players could benefit and ur worried about 1 person.

also a trade forum could be started to help players look for what they want.
for example

I offer _______ wep, for ______ wep.
are you interested?

if u are then simply reply and get the trade done with after.

pinoy idols -> RE: Trading, Make it or Break it (7/6/2011 11:03:19)

I agree with this suggestion. I made a suggestion like this sometime ago. I wanted the trading system to be something like this: Dead Frontier Marketplace

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