Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 1:47:41)

What if there was a move called Swap Structure which made your wep... if physical into an energy wep.. and itf energy into a physical wep

sleddyboy3 -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 1:49:40)

It'd be OP..

But it'd be nice if there was a heavy cost, but that the changed weapon had a 1% chance to add one turn to the enemy sidearm and aux cooldown...

Firewallblast -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 2:06:15)

I think they should do this, except its a thing like enhancments u have to buy it with credits or var. This would give a lot of versatality to all classes and less var spent on weps.

xxmirxx -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 2:07:12)


What if there was a move called Swap Structure which made your wep... if physical into an energy wep.. and itf energy into a physical wep
Good idea

sleddyboy3 -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 2:17:23)

No, only in battle and temporary...

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 2:19:56)

maybe weps that u can customize to phy or energy but theyd cost ALOT more

Firewallblast -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 2:46:30)


Tiago X -> RE: Picture if there was a move that would change the structure of your wep (7/11/2011 3:32:11)

Meh , I don't see a point on it since it wold be extremely Overpowered if it changed in battle, but just a regular weapon that allows more builds, if it does not change in battle. Enough said , no ? >:D

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