=MECH= Concerning my Story (I Need Help With It) (Full Version)

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nateman -> =MECH= Concerning my Story (I Need Help With It) (7/11/2011 2:03:40)

I wanted to discuss the topic of satire, or the topic of absurdism/surrealism.
I really want to see what everyone's opinion on these two forms of writing.

Edited. What transpires between you and an AK or Mod is NOT public business. ~Eukara Vox, L&L Head Moderator

Xirminator -> RE: =MECH= Concerning my Story (I Need Help With It) (9/29/2011 16:45:52)

Satire is fine, especially if it is funny (a personal taste) and is satirical in a smart fashion.

I have little experience with surrealism and such, and I expect that not many others have. This will have an effect on how your story is received, most likely. It depends on the audience.

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =MECH= Concerning my Story (I Need Help With It) (10/1/2011 0:19:18)

for absurdist and surrealist humor (which what i think you're going for), i would go ahead and read some of Woody Allen's prose. he really knew (and knows) how to make the absurd funny and, more importantly, smart. his surrealism is a well-read surrealism.
of course, as is true for any kind of humor, successfully making something surreal and funny takes a certain feel for the way funny surrealism works

Xplayer -> RE: =MECH= Concerning my Story (I Need Help With It) (10/19/2011 14:52:43)

I have dabbled in some absurdist/surrealist humor but considering my lack of experience with the genre (at least in a literary medium), it isn't the best example to recommend. Most of my experience with that genre comes from animation, which I believe to be the perfect medium for the genre as there is already an integrated willing suspension of disbelief. I do believe that watching good surrealist animation does help with one's attempts at literary surrealism, as writing is an attempt to transcribe images from your imagination into words. For specific works, I'd recommend The Original Fantasia (not that Fantasia 2000 was bad but it isn't nearly as surreal as the original), Cat Soup, and FLCL (for the more crude side of the genre).

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