Sparticus -> RE: The true OP Class (7/11/2011 14:36:25)
BH's carry level 1 res shields that almost completely cover most malfunctions now. BH's can also Assault Bot is away if they choose. Sadly, malfunctions are usually very weak attacks so they are a waste when Bot buffed away. The idea of striking but not smoking is as old as ED. In the battle between Mage and BH, the first to use their nerf usually loses. Every turn a BH gets closer to massacre is a turn closer to a win. The mage will attempt to force the issue and make the BH shield so they can't smoke and massacre because they don't have enough energy but if the BH gets your HP low enough the massacre will kill or usually lead to a next turn Rage attack even without smoke screen. Only the smartest and best built mages avoid this dilemma and there are very few of those around.