Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (Full Version)

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.Sir Lazarus. -> Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 7:18:08)

After 1,5 years fighting against strenght builds and all similar brainless builds you finnaly do something good about it... Agility, focus... Than you screw up focus and agility and return strenght builds in a form of a tactical mercenary who is doing what? Guess... Yep, putting everything in strenght, use smoke and just hit, maul ( he stuns of course ) hit, hit, gun(no deflection) and NEWSFLASH, he wins.

My suggeestions are -
1. If you use max smoke you are not allowed to get your strenght over 45. And lower the smoke the higher you can go with strenght.
2. Stun maul should require support! Because its a discrase if someone who has 20 support can stun you!!! Level 1 stun maul should require atleast 35 support.

This two steps would not make strenght builds unussable. Strenght builds would still be ussable, BUT it wouldent be able to kill a guy who created his tactics like a real player, spending 1 hour of his life when that strenght builder did his in 1 minute!

This is how you make a str build... Ok my weapons requirements are this, and this and this... Now let me put some crazy health, now ill put some in my strenght, now i will again put some in my strenght... Ok my strenght seems kinda low lemme just put EVERYTHING in and beat everyone in the game with no sweat!!! -.-

MrBones -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 7:27:19)

Get out of Chuck's bedroom.

Altought I don't agree putting restrictions in a game that as too many as it is, I like the bottum line of your post.

How is it possible for a strenght built (Bh-Merc-TacMerc-BM) to ever start a battle with so low support?
How is it possible for them to stun ?
How is it posible that they hardly get block ?
How is it possible for them to get critical hits AND not getting crit ?

If only they adjusted the RNG (luck factor, block, deflecs, stun, crits).. the balance issue wiould be slove......almost.

Feral Ninja -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 7:29:41)

Whilst I agree STR builds (Especially in Tactical Merc form) are overpowered, those aren't the right suggestions to improve it...
In fact, It just increases the power of the support build, which personally, I think are already crazily overpowered... (Especially with healing IMO)

I just think Tactical merc should get other skills. Especially removing Hybrid armor...

Perhaps if a certain skill is over 50, it should decrease other stats as a penalty?
Of course, this raises the matter of Focus builds ruling everything...

Balance is a very hard thing to achieve without destroying every other build...

Remorse -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 7:37:48)

I agree that their is something wrong with luck, but your idea's are simply ristricting builds which might not end up fixing the problem.

My ideas:

-Maul has 1 warm up ( COME ON! this one is obvious , a support requirement only restricts builds)

-Minumum chance to block is lowered

-Shadow arts is changed from 10% bonus chance to block(added to minumum chance) to 5% bonus chance to block ( not added to minumum) and 5% bonus ceonnectivity, increasing by 0.5% each level.

-Crit armour ignoring % is lowered and lowered even more if opponent has a shield cast.

If your having troble with strength builds try these ideas:
If your a mage get asimilation for masscre/beserker if your a BH get high emp for both smoke mascre / maul beserk . Get decent defnces (try having you armour as phissical rather than energy protection if you havn't already.) Get decent phiscal shields for smoke etc.

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 7:48:33)

Erm remorse.... I dont wish to sound stuck up. But i didnt ask help with my builds, im a emperor so i think i dont need help in those fields, but thanks.

I donno who said to remove hybrid armor from tactical merc... Thats just wrong xD . This is not a topic wich asks for tactical merc buffs wich is not needed. What we need is a fix in a basic chance to block and stun, and putting some restrictions in using op skills.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 8:48:41)

Dont talk like 5 focus builds are more good , you do robot-robot-aux , i dont see any difference with smoke-strike-strike


Strenght builds would still be ussable, BUT it wouldent be able to kill a guy who created his tactics like a real player, spending 1 hour of his life when that strenght builder did his in 1 minute!

Realy??? If you try to do a str build you need to face with hundreds of Stat and Skill requirements , also you need unique weps that boost str , I dont see what is too hard of doing every stat 45 :S and if you figured out that you will do every stat 45 in 1 hour than problem is you.

And 5 focus builds are stronger than the other builds , Str Bh dead , Str Merc dead , only Str Tac Merc remained and it will be nerfed this week

After all str builds gone this game will be 5 Focus vs 5 Focus , like i said 4-5 months ago , than ppl will start to say 5 focus is oped , luck factor is oped ,Seriously!!!

Sageofpeace -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 8:56:14)

not just that as well as strength mercenary stunning with no support at all, everything is so random if i have over 40 defense over a person shouldn't i block them is so stupid. also wasn't support suppose to give you a boost to
go first so why in the word do they go first.

for real they really need to fix their system is out control

warfarfick -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 9:00:33)

Well at least the noobs have a chance to win :D Let them be happy. We have better chances of winning. Why not give them a slight chance?? Be kind to others. :D Let luck settle the score.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 9:50:52)

This game has really fallen, everyone can beat anyone. There's not much we can do but give up and move onto a new game with more skill.

Drakadh -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 9:55:43)

^LOLOLOL! of course anyone can beat anyone! What? you think God would make some one better than the rest? We are all equal.

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 10:06:53)

God? omg lol

Name of God , as you said, here is Titan!!

TTG Sean -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 10:07:50)

LOL Strength Builds are Soo Easy To Beat /Defense Matrix

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 10:20:06)


1. If you use max smoke you are not allowed to get your strenght over 45. And lower the smoke the higher you can go with strenght.
2. Stun maul should require support! Because its a discrase if someone who has 20 support can stun you!!! Level 1 stun maul should require atleast 35 support.

1st one i have 42 strength but with everything else my damage range is like 2- to 26 lol
2nd one get over it im not even a merc and i think thats too high
u havent fought me yet ^^

Thylek Shran -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 10:43:34)


How is it possible for a strenght built (Bh-Merc-TacMerc-BM) to ever start a battle with so low support?

Support only has very little to no influence for who is going first in duel.
Level is decisive for that.

Wraith -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:16:01)

^Regardless of level as well. Don't see how a level 33 with barely any support goes first against me.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:20:46)

The Devs pretty much screwed up the game. Nothing makes sense mathematically, that's what angers the players. Numbers are numbers and how does 20 beat 100? It should never do that.

Theclown -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:36:01)

people are mad because thhey cant win always anymore so sad

TTG Sean -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:39:16)

I just made an Anti Tac Merc Strength Build with High Support and Max Defense Matrix [:)]

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:40:32)

That's good, noobs are winning![8D]

BTW, I think you guys are sore losers because variums STILL have a HUGE advantage over non-variums.
And this relates because non-variums are usually lower level.

How does 20 beat 100?
20 finds 100's weak spot, then takes advantage of it. Duh.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Noobs are wining, double lower dex blocks, low support stuns... (7/11/2011 11:41:03)

While it is true that balance suggestions are generally kept here, that doesn't excuse the nasty tone of this one or of any of the posts herein.

Enough of this "noobs suck" stuff, enough trolling, enough flaming. I've seen quite enough and I'm tired of it. Our forum's rules are not optional, you can't just decide it's okay to disrespect people in here because you think it's okay. This behavior ends now.

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