lvl cap raise (Full Version)

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classifiedname -> lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:11:15)

when do u guys think lvl 34 will happen? i for one hope it happens soon.

TTG Sean -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:11:47)

In a Few Weeks Probably One or Two Next Updates

Remorse -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:27:37)

When they cant be bothered making an update one week so instead they just bump up the lvl cap :P

Epic Pwnser -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:36:02)

This week xD
If not, next week[:D]

For real, I think in another month.

sylar67 -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:37:40)

probably on next easter when they introduce a new version of zookaz that will be the best in game for a year and again and again and again

jiv1995 -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:38:47)

I hope not for a long time so I can actually make it to level 33 <_< 31 took months.

Wraith -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 11:57:20)

^:O It took me 3 weeks. EXP boost twice.

MrBones -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 12:03:18)

Better be soon I paid for a level 34 sword... I wanna be able to use it to full potential and get my money's worth.

Fatal Impact -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 12:06:19)

lol if they release another level I will get to it in a couple days by only using xp boosts.

rej -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 13:00:53)

considering they ALLREADY made level 34 weapons. it can't be long.

Fatal Impact -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 13:02:44)

^ Or they might just have -1 until the end of delta?

classifiedname -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 13:04:41)

that would be dumb XD

PivotalDisorder -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 13:13:51)

we really dont need a level increase while the new classes are being balanced against the old

The Astral Fury -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 13:23:37)

@mr bones isnt only like 1 damage your losing cause dont you currently have the delta destroyer sword and that rocks so 1 damage isnt really a big loss

MrBones -> RE: lvl cap raise (7/11/2011 14:44:37)

^^ I do have the delta pack. It might be only +1 but i paid for it.

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