Snaipera -> RE: Stay on Track Part 2 (7/12/2011 9:34:25)
You know what ? I've been a Mage since the beginning of the game . As of Delta , Mages are ... how do I put this . Even a rug with a splashed turd on it will be embarrassed to call itself a Mage . You want Tacticals Nerfed ? I WANT MAGES BALANCED AND GIVEN A CHANCE TO COMPETE . The whole reason I changed to a Tactical Mercenary is because of Reroute , one of the best skills in the game IMO . So first of all , if you're going to nerf the tacticals , be my guest , but PLEASE give Mages some chance . I want to see them capable of fighting , not just standing . Buff the spells , fix supercharge , 6 weapon-specific skills, only 3 physical staffs (2 of which are ,let's face it , garbage) . So before anyone talks about any nerfs , let's talk about buffing Mage . Guess no one thought of that . Cos most of ya are whining bounties that get your asses served to you on a plate by someone and start crying how unfair it is.