Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/11/2011 22:32:34)
O.o ... That would be much apreciated, should you be able to pull that off... And I shall be waiting on that ressurection... Death and Life as ideals and consequences intrigue me... as does the way one would get arround such things... ... And so, I shall comment on your story, after such a long time: Nice line about latin. Very... insightful. I could personally tell people how time travel works, or where you'd go, seeing as the hard facts would be overwhelming, but then again, I somewhat distrust magic, and I might not necessarily be the person Wiiman was speaking of... And at the time I would not have been able to, so it also depends on where you are in my timeline. I like obsidian... It makes a good weapon, because it fractures upon impact many times, which makes dealing with the wounds medically difficult... It is also very nice just from a asthetic point of view. Although the material actually makes me think of finely polished Stygian Iron... Then again, I suppose that depends on if Wiiman actually did that on purpose, or it broke otherwise. If the later of the two is correct, than obsidian is more likely, although it most certainly has special properties, I'd say. Then again, I still think it likely to be obsidian. Gibbs' moniker reminds me of giblets. lol To be fair, good friends risking their lives for one another is not unheard of in my experience. Not at all. But anywho... That does apply in many situations... Oh, and I think he may have been talking about Wiiman. But on to the actual matter at hand... My heart aches just reading these words from so long ago in life. It burns with grief over your death... and the circumstances thereafter... tears are almost brought to my eyes from the very rememberance of such pain. The ominous words of Death's utterance shall ring true, I fear... The city shall have some nasty times ahead... It almost seems cursed to suffer time and time again... But that is a matter for another time, and another story, I think. That is the one time I could have ever done something such as that... before and after, my soul would not have been mine to give, nor anyones to take. I shall be waiting for the spectacular twist you described. ... Now, let's see if I get killed off, like Blood Moon said, eh? Hmm... That makes me think that Death may be Thanatos even more. lol @ the reference XD The strange look was over the kneeling, the soul taking... Mmm... The Evil causes me problems, sadly, but there are still ways to deal with it. The mental prison I conciously created and forced it into helped to make it so that it was not unleashed just when I lost concentration, though... That, and the aperatus I have set up to stop things from getting out of hand, at least if I can get to it. *frowns, remembering the past* Still, there is a gnawing melancholic feeling of unwholeness, constantly. An... emptiness... but enough of that. Let us get back to the story, eh? Killing, eh? Funny term to use on the dead and damned, but I suppose not many more would be such a word that would fit correctly. Fitting, one might say, but slightly perturbing, for reasons stated earlier. Ow... I feel a burning in my mind, just remembering that. He had pierced my heart both metaphorically and physically, that one. A fitting end to the chapter, my love. It would seem I was to die, then, but then again, I am here, so I say wait and see, people, for the finale, where it shall be revealed to you all, should you decide to read it, that is.