Delta, the new Beta? (Full Version)

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Lord/Fredd -> Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 18:46:26)

Almost all of us "older players" can easily all agree that Beta was the best phase so far. In Alpha the game was too young and needed alot of improvement and balancing, and in gamma alot of updates was unnecesary and some even... dumb (Fame..). Gamma was also the period were this gamma took the step from being regulare priced to dam expensive (enhancement more than doubles the price of all items) as many features were added which required lots of varium or buying the 10k pack which gave you the best items (until 2 weeks later). Many good features were also added imo, like varium sellback.

I retired in the middle of gamma, to expensive if you wanted to be among the best, and old items were quickly outclassed. What made me play so much in Beta was that all kind of build could work, even though some of them were better than others. The non-variums also had a fair chance, as there weren't many super-varium-weapons as there is today. I remember being a lv 27 non-varium and beating lots of lv 30's with a super charge build. If a non-varium tried that build now... they would be destroyed in a matter of seconds. I bought the big varium pack (Which gave me Founder + Beta Weapons) not because i really needed it, but because i wanted to support the game! (Even though 10k varium and awesome equipment is nice ^^). As i already had alot of items my 10k lasted VERY long. Almost all people were happy when we entered Gamma. That quickly changed.

As for Delta i am very optimistic. 3 new classes, a new NPC, new weapon pack with 4 EPIC weapons, and a new 2 vs 1 boss is imo the biggest update EVER, and also one of the best. TLM is a bit overpowered (lets face it..) but they can still be countered. Also the credit option for class change is very nice for non-variums or just people who wanna save theirs. The new weapons are not only good, but also plain fun! Being shrunk is one of the funniest things imo, and even though you loses 20 suport it is so fun watching your self being so little. As for now, we have no idea how they are going to nerf TLM (or/and buff the other classes) but the fact that the devs reacts so fast on a mistake is very nice and a good sign.

I think we are facing a better period than gamma, hopefull it will bring back the "spirit" from Beta. Anyway it looks very fun and i am looking forward to any updates they might bring. But what about you? Discuss.

Lenofor -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 18:58:57)

I read just way too many posts like this, the same old talk about Beta nostalgia. Don't you people think it's time to move on? Annalise each phase of the game alone, without looking back. Beta was good? Yea it was, but we need to forget about it. The future of Epic Duel is bright and for we to enjoy that future we need to stop looking at the past

Feral Ninja -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 19:05:15)

Whilst I agree on most parts, I don't agree on Delta being the new Beta.

Beta was unique, it was the ultimate challenge. Everyone (Including Non Variums) had a fair shot as long as you played the cards right.

Hell, even heal-looping was able to be countered.
It was Balance.

Now, on the other hand...

Yes, we do have alot more features, more weapons, more armors, etc...
But we've lost the Balance.

Now you must have Varium to stand a fair chance.
Now you must use overpowered classes/builds just to stand a fair chance.

If we had the Balance of Beta, and the stuff we have in Delta... It would be the most awesome combination ever.

''Sometimes, we have to look in the past, just to know how to handle the future.''

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 19:11:54)

meh beta was fun lol

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 19:15:13)

Theres one thing you must know. NOTHING WILL BE BETTER THEN BETA UNLESS A MIRACLE HAPPENS. nuf said

Lenofor -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 19:17:51)

@Feral Ninja: Your arguments convinced me, but still it's a pain to read all these nostalgia posts

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 19:31:15)

Delta has potential to be just like beta if and only if they remove these dam requirements on stats. All of our builds are pretty much the same which makes it no fun.

Feral Ninja -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 20:34:47)

@Lenofor: I know what you mean, but to be honest (If presented with the right arguments of Beta) I can see why they miss Beta... Hell, I miss it aswell.

Angels@ Requirements are a pain yes, but would you rather fight a 200+ STR Bounty with Massacre? Didn't think so.

Latin@ No need for a miracle. Just the devs who need to start listening to us. Oh wait, that does require a miracle... Darn it. You're right.


but the fact that the devs reacts so fast on a mistake is very nice and a good sign.

Ehm, Fast? Switching skills around isn't that hard. And changing their properties is even easier.
And they've made ALOT of mistakes,and alot of things are not fixed yet.

rej -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 20:48:20)

doubtful, delta has allready started out disapointing (patheticaly overcharged weapons unbuyable in game, and massive balance problems)
delta might still make a comback and and least be better than gamma, but i doubt it.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 21:13:51)

Another post about Beta. Forget it and move on. We can't move foward and we still look years in the past. It is time to move on and stop trying to make this game like beta.

Feral Ninja -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 21:15:26)

^I want you to read post#3.
It made Lenofor understand, perhaps it could do the same to you.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 22:15:49)

@Feral Ninja I read it already and I disagree forget the past completely unless it is that important and move on.

Firewallblast -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/13/2011 22:53:57)

Delta has the potential of being the new beta, it will never be like the old beta because all of the new features that they can't just erase. Delta might also never become the new beta because many will remmember the past and say how it pales in comparison to the old beta. I understan your arguments but what will crying about it do?

DillBagel -> RE: Delta, the new Beta? (7/14/2011 4:11:15)

Nothing can replace the fun I had when I was first playing. That's mainly why nothing can replace beta for me.

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