I simply don't get it... (Full Version)

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Remorse -> I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:31:18)

This is my fake scenario of the devs smaking the new classes for delta :

"Ok time to make some classes, First off lets give Blood mages Bloodlust this will seperate BM from the orignal TM It also suits with the naming aspect, BLOOD mages and BLOOD Lust.
Ok secondly tac mercs hmmmm whats a tactical style passive?? ah! I know lets give them Reroute!
And last but not least Cyber Hunters Hmm what passive should they get?? Whats a sort of cyber type passive?? AH! I know Hybrid Armour!!! That's it these will be 3 evenly distributed classes with passives that suit their names They will all be difffrent from their orignal class and will not have the same pasives sounds fair to me :)
Hold on one second!!!,
Why would we wanna make an even classes??
I dunno to make things balanced??
NO players don't want balance they want An Oped class to play as... , Really??
Oh!, In that case lets not give Cyber hunters Hybrid and let tactical mercs keep it :) done!"

This Post is not intended to mok the devs but to simply show how easy it could of been to make these classes blanced and even without destroying the orignal classes like what has happened with The orignal Mercs. And How cyber hunters are yet to have a good passive it could of all been solved by giving them hybrid..
What I wanna know is , is Why??? I simply dont get it.....

DeathSpawn -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:35:41)

What's there to not get? You don't love fighting a tactical merc 8 of 10 1v1 matches in a row or having at least 2 tac mercs in every 2v2?????

So much fun to fight the same exact builds over and over and over and over and over is it not?

Dendavex -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:38:14)

Cyber hunter should have got some energy passive like blood lust they hit you and they gain energy or Energy Hybrid.
But 1 Fact: Titan owns the game and does what he pleases with it sorry to burst your bubble.

Remorse -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:39:43)

^ Your Right!!, I guess the old saying if you can't beat them join them aplys, But dosnt that mean they'd have to change the description of the game??
Epic Duel.. Tac Merc vs Tac merc OR!! Tac merc and Tac merc vs Tac merc and tac merc OR!! Tac Merc and Tac merc Vs. One big Tac merc.... So many choices e.e

@Dendavex,I think your missing the message im trying to give off here, Its that you cant make new classes based of one class and give them the same passive because if you do one class ends up being Bad (mercs) and the other good (tac mercs) but in cyber hunters case they wrent even given a decent passive e.e

Chosen 0ne -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:42:21)

Because mercs are OP, so they made TLM's even more OP, they realise, that most non variums,a dn a few variums will have to stay at this cass when it gets nerfed. Making it so, that there is a few of each class, and not just tactical merc. (this is kinda sarcastic :P)

PivotalDisorder -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:44:45)

I dont want hybrid armour thanks. its 10 points Id be forced to spend when id rather just have defence matrix and
a cool build. they still need to take it from tactical mercs, as has been suggested about 500 times since their release.

and I like static charge too. i dont see what the obsession with having equal amount of passives is personally but
maybe they could give us deadly aim ? lol id take that over poison

Remorse -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:48:23)

^ If they wont players to be distributed more evenly over each class.... REMOVE HYBRID (from tac mercs) it's that simpal... Because if they try to just add pointless requirements in an attempt to nerf tac mercs no one will ultimately wanna end up being the orignal merc!

@Jehannum, How about deadly aim instead of plasma grenade, I dont know why they keep giving BH's these rubbish skills such as stun grenade and plasma grenade they do about as much damage as if i wre to throw a rock and a merc with 10 inch thick armour plating...

Sipping Cider -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:48:40)

I thought they said the next update would nerf the tactical mercenaries so wont that fix the problem?

Remorse -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:53:22)

^ I heard they are just gonna add requirements on BH skills and Tac merc skills .... Great another blow for creativity!

Sipping Cider -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 11:57:30)

I have to admit, requirements are getting a little overhand for skills.

And really? i wonder why bh needs a nerf^

Dendavex -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:00:09)

ok really what the hell BH seriously its doesnt get any better

Remorse -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:00:26)

Aparntly Having a high Str build is not aloud yet they give us all these enhacements alowing us to have a high str builds with 5 focus e.e
I really do wonder sometimes who is in charge of balance..

...Sonya... -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:05:27)

This game takes alot of work,Moderators not only have to test the new classes to fully balance them but also to look after EpicDuel Community.

And The Dev's do not have the time to be testing as they have to update/draw/code this game and its updates.

The game does Take balance and yes it is Quite unbalanced At the moment.But im pretty sure the Dev's are working hard Atm to make an update to make you happy.

Everyone has a different opinion so that means everyone cant be happy with each update so an update is different for everyone and the Dev's do there best to make "you" happy believe it or not.


PivotalDisorder -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:05:52)


^ I heard they are just gonna add requirements on BH skills and Tac merc skills .... Great another blow for creativity!
actually players speculated. so really you didnt hear anything.

the stuff I posted about changing skills was directly from cinderella and wiseman, although they also werent 100% what would be rolled out in the update.

Remorse -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:07:24)

Answer me this, Will anyone be happy of they just added more requirements to skills??
@Jehannum , Changing skills to me sounds alot like adding requirements does it not??

However you guys are right Lets just wait to see what happens who knows maybe theyl listen to the players advice and actuly make a wise balance decesion..

...Sonya... -> RE: I simply don't get it... (7/14/2011 12:09:38)

@Jehanumm :

All that is just roumours,Because People who know this information(Dev's and possibly " some " Moderators ) Arent Aloud to share this information.

So whilst nobody knows The Dev's can be making another Great update.


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