RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (Full Version)

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UnityDestroyer -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 5:35:16)

Thanks, Numbers/Brian.

HellsWolf666 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 6:28:16)

i need a sig
id like a pic of a wolf
make it look scary
render place-to the left
he is hunting you
cuz you hunt for a soul weaver guide

text style:go crazy-i dont realy care
text place:under the wolf
when click it will send u to:�

pm when done:sure why not

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 9:58:40)

What do you want Sig or Banner: Banner
Render Placement: Center
Main Image: Same as render:
Background: The current background of Image
Text: 1st Legion
Text Placement: Center
Font: Something Fancy like my "Silencerdo Signature"
Font size (if any): Any, but big and readable
Font Color: Yellow
Size: Must be a official Banner size
PM when done: Yes, thanks


the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 11:53:38)

@Dusk Kid - Here you go.


@Rilimar - I don't know if this is a mistake, but you gave me a background with an image and text. The sig would look incredibly ugly.

@Ramon - The image ended up looking not too great, so I gave you the option of having the sig without the image.



xx__Ramon__xx -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 12:30:41)

Actually, It was even better than I EVER expected!

You guys are great! :D

the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 12:37:21)

Thank you!

By the way, to make the image your sig, simply paste the code I put under the sig in the signature section of your profile.

xx__Ramon__xx -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 12:38:23)

Thats what I did, but it keep showing up as that vvvv

the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 13:31:12)

Oops, I forgot the image tags. Try again, it should work now.

@Rilimar - As per your PM, here you go:


Trankwil -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 19:04:00)

I am looking for a shop that can make me a few logos for different sections of my clan. Any chance you guys can do that?

the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 20:49:51)

@Trankwil - I suppose we could do that, assuming it's nothing absurdly complex and Theo does not have a problem with it. Obviously, don't say that it was made by your "official clan artists" or anything.

Dusk Kid -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/9/2011 22:19:40)


Trankwil -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/10/2011 0:50:44)

@the reaper 99 alright cool :)

They are all going to be chess pieces, so my request is...

1. An entirely black Rook with a blue glow around it

2. An entirely black Bishop with a purple glow around it

3. An entirely black Knight with a green glow around it

They should all look similar except for the type of chess piece and the glow.

Let me know if this will work. Thank you!

the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/10/2011 17:27:15)

Please use the official request form so I can get a better idea as to what you want.

Chaos Cicada -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/10/2011 17:51:25)

What do you want Sig or Banner: Sig
Render: MageLord wielding Arcane Staff
Render Placement: Replace Astral Entity
Background: Signature Setup
Text: I can't tell the name of the fond where it sames Arcangrove Showdown but just remove showdown and place Arcangrove with the text and purple effect in the middle. Also for the bottom black letter old english font with the same effects and placement as botton text "Battle Chaos Lord Ledgermayne" just switch it to Magic is Endless
Text Placement: Bottom Middle
Font: Same as in image except with black letter as the bottom and the tops font (Cannot tell) with the same purple effects and font style for the Aracangrove text. (Like I said just remove Showdown and you've got it)
Font size (if any): As in image
Font Color: As in image
Size: 750/750? Or the max space you can use.
PM when done: Yes.

I know I am asking for a lot so all thanks in advance! ~<3

Theo -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/11/2011 3:40:14)

If anyone has been missed please PM me and I will try my best to get it done...

I have a busy week but should have time this weekend...

~ Theo

UnityDestroyer -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/11/2011 4:24:29)

Theo, here's my request.

OmilliYo -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/11/2011 14:21:17)

What do you want Sig or Banner: Signature
Render Placement: Left
Background: ( The area inside the rectangle, Preferably bottom half )
Text: Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever
Text Placement: Right
Font size (if any): The one that fits :) but preferably small
Font Color: purple
Size: 500x100
PM when done: Yes plz

Diaboliku -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/11/2011 18:46:42)

people who are waiting on me expect them this weekend, that's when I have time

the reaper 99 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/11/2011 21:54:40)

@Chaos Cicada - Here you go.


Chaos Cicada -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/12/2011 12:45:13)

@ Reaper
Love it! Thanks so much~

J0rd1 -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/13/2011 1:54:37)

What do you want Sig or Banner: Signature :)
Render Placement: left
Background: In Vordred map (/join vordred) the place with the purple moon
Text: The Dark Assassin
Text Placement: Beside my character
Font: Birth of a hero
Font size (if any): medium
Font Color: Black
Size: 500 x 100
PM when done: Yes

Theo -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/13/2011 14:22:22)

I am working on J0rd1's and UnityDestroyer's requests....

Olzzon -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/13/2011 15:24:31)

What do you want Sig or Banner: Sig
Render Placement: Left
Background: No changes
Text: "You never know when Chaos gonna rip one"
Text Placement: Feel free to use all space right of character
Font: Gasmask (If possible please add one gasmask on each side of the text, thanks!(see 0040 "(" and 0041 ")" below letters . ) Hope I didn't ask for to much. Thanks again.
Font size (if any): Can be medium/big
Font Color: Sickly green
Size: 500x100
PM when done: Yes please

Tenshi no Ikari -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/14/2011 0:15:29)

Here you are Olzzon:



Olzzon -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions II (8/14/2011 8:35:22)

Fantastic job!

Thanks again :)

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