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Razen -> Story Updates (7/14/2011 23:06:45)

*Warning: Character Count is estimated to be OVER 9000! Prepare your eyes and your mind for the eminent boosh overload!* [:D]

So, here I am, rock you like a hurricane...Alright, Scorpion references aside, we all know that the Story for Epicduel is almost entirely hid inside these Forums. As well, they haven't been updated or expanded all too much. If this is because BigTuna is busy with other projects, then I would be happy to assist and suggest for all of Epicduel's Storyline needs. And, I hope you other writers whom play Epicduel would as well, I'd be somewhat sad, if you were not.

So far, in storyline terms, the players not on the forums are left blind to anything that is going on practically. This is not acceptable. Now, while I do not quite understand how to work dialogue in flash(I'm pretty newb at flash. D:), I would work diligently in the text work, because the current point that we are given is quite unfulfilled. Although, while it may seem that I'm bashing BigTuna's work, I am actually quite pleased with how BigTuna was able to make the story work, despite this being a MMO PvP game. Which are certainly much harder to write for than a single-player RPG, as you must keep the player from being the main character of the storyline, as well as keeping them from utterly destroying people whom are far more powerful than them story-wise and eventually in-game-wise.

Of course, the massive amount of cliffhangers and inconsistencies in BigTuna's work was a tad disappointing, considering how well it was thought up and executed. Like, Titan was meant to be in a destroyed garden of robots, but instead he is in the Bazaar, whenever Ulysses or a new NPC would make far more sense than the current. And, what is the Gamma Guard doing in the West Naval Yard? I would expect another ocean-loving character, rather than an armored behemoth to be in a shipyard. Now, were there a good bit of storyline as to why so many characters are where they are at, then I'd probably be far more satisfied with their location and the storyline of Delta V. Because, there are many lacking reason as to why they are where they are situated, which is odd...and a problem.

As well, where is Thaddeus? I've read quite a bit about him in the Storyline, yet he has no appearance in the game! As well, we hear so much of so many things, yet they are never given sight, as though they were utterly forgotten. This is another thing very bad with most of the great work that BigTuna did on writing the story, almost none of it is remembered now and is left to rot, something I greatly despise, letting good storyline go to waste...Although, some of it needs to be rebuffed, since Titan and Caden are supposed to be godly beings, why is it that many NPCs are higher level than them? I believe their lore should match their in-game stats to a point, thus they should be the highest levelled NPCs around, by this logic, and perhaps weaken those whom shouldn't have the power they currently do.

Now, you may ask, but what does Storyline matter if the game is not fun to play? What does Storyline do? Exactly. The lack of storyline is probably one of the main reasons that Epciduel feels to be a get achievements and max level game, which were that the intention, would be relatively sad. So, pop in a good amount of good storyline inside each update, slow but surely, adding to the Epicduel game experience(not the actual experience points you get, that'd be weird, but whatever, you get what I mean!) Back to the original point, Epicduel's fun is really much lower than it could be for some because of the lack of storyline, unless you are a gamer that feels that only graphics are important and that the storyline of a game serves absolutely no purpose to you. I'm not this sort of gamer, I'm fond of storyline, and typically an adamant defender of it as well. But, that is because, I feel that a game is practically nothing without a story, as there is no reason to play it beyond the small, insignificant pixels called Achievements and other such things, all next to meaningless if there is not a story beside them, no?

So, I purpose that we, the community, begin to actively, honestly, constructively, non-flamingly, non-trollingly, and happily assist others in enjoying their Epicduel Experience by giving in-depth storyline additions that you feel are needed, and if not implemented would feel that others might believe the game is lacking and not understand the reasoning behind said problems. In these storyline 'patches', we would finally be able to understand the less talked about characters, such as Brunson and Snork vividly. Though, while I'm head-for about improving the storyline of the game, I think it'd be best if we as a community avoided the lore-heavy characters and personal characters.(That's because I don't think BigTuna would like to see tons of people writing Caden's death at the hands of a level 1 City Guard...or someone else whom is not powerful enough to be considered canonically worthy of killing such a powerful being such as him.)

I know this has so far, all been my opinion and suggestions, so why is it in the General Discussion? Well, because not only do I want my own opinions of the system I'm suggesting, but also that of your feelings about the story of Delta V, where you personally believe that improvements to the storyline and background of characters and areas are needed most, do you like my idea I'm giving for improving Epicduel's Lore without overworking BigTuna and without Epicduel having to hire more staff, and how many do you think would enjoy Epicduel more, if the lore of Delta V and it's people were heightened. So, what do you think then?

*Sigh* Alright, so I didn't hit over 9000 characters, it's still an incredibly long post, one of the longest I've seen outside of L&L. Alright, post your opinions after reading my behemoth post...I'm going to let my hands get a break.

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