Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 1:29:32)

What do you all feel about assignable missions for the whole faction and individuals. If there was an option where each faction founder can give daily duties to the whole faction, I think the game would be more project based. Also, if Founders could give special assignments to each individual player. I personally feel, this would be a better option for many factions who can't make time for the race style competition.

I think this missions/assignments could be bought with credits or more exclusive ones varium.

I also think if a mini board was set up with faction members names, and when they complete missions/assignments, they get points and badges.

Many months ago, I mentioned a quality board in addition to the normal speed board, this could be a unique step for factions who enjoy the strategy style play.

What type of faction missions or assignments would work if this could be implemented. Would you enjoy this if this feature was added to our faction system?

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 1:34:45)

One of the best ideas ive seen

king julian -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 1:36:08)

faction based mission whoa there evolution!!!! lol

Death Gigas -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 1:37:41)

That is an excellent idea, it'll make factions useful.

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 1:38:26)

Ily Jzaanu u saved the day

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 2:21:27)

I Simply LOVE This Idea And Support It.

Sadly, They Seem Reluctant To Give Any "Power" To The Faction Founders/Leaders As Far As Doing There Own Faction Thing And Rewarding Their Players "In House" So To Speak.

Which Is A Shame.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 2:25:48)

how about we add an inbox system too?
this way u can gift items to other players and it appears on their inbox.

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 4:06:21)

what hapeens if he has too much missions?

drinde -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 5:52:47)

Maybe put a limit of like, 3 to 6 at once?

MrBones -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 7:31:08)

JZaanu this is a very good idea. Their next big move after fixing lag should be fixing/revamping the whole faction system.

@Off topic: I see that you are in much better terms with the staff than me as your suggestion dicussion thread is not lock. You got some pull around here :) good for you, after all, you deserve it.

classifiedname -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 7:53:34)

very good idea ^_^

Fay Beeee -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 8:02:30)

100% agree with this.

It would give the factions more choice. So that even the ones that cannot rise high, will have goals and rewards available for hard work.

As usual always good posts.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 8:04:37)

theres just something im wondering about this tho.
will there be mission boards? like who gets most missions done?
another thing will missions be repeatable?
like being able to do the same quests over and over on the same day? because i noticed that once u do a quests u cant do them again.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 11:51:47)

With a board, maybe something like character pages, but for the faction as well. This had been mentioned prior, and this could easily double as a mission/assignment completion board as well.

Right now, Founders can only reward their faction mates, by promotion. This would be a fun way to reward everyone.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 12:06:47)

good. Support

goldslayer1 -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 12:11:22)

still i dont see how this will help the casual facs who dont want to win the "race"
its just another competition of who gets the most done and usually the most active will.
however since u can do mission and fight while doing mission for say 1 vs 1. and it affect ur fac for that board. then ill role with it. and maybe dominate both boards.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:09:01)

Majority of factions don't compete for the race style play. This gives the faction an option to focus on projects instead of dailies or spending tremendous amount of time in the game.

Right now, there is a misconception that speed is domination. In reality it is nothing more then speed. There are many quality factions that are truly skill based but have nothing to show for it because they are not considered the current standard of "Domination".

This game needs more layers to be interesting and more enjoyable for all players within all of their situations.

Most quality factions will easily win at least 50% (or more) of that battles against the "so called" dominant factions. This is a fact. Just because one or a team of players don't wish to spend 24 hours to race, they still should have something to show for it in their efforts.

Wraith -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:11:48)

I would seriously love this, if it comes don't make it too hard for us JZ.

Hiddenblade -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:17:25)

i would love this because im a founder i would love to give missions to some of my member but the rewards could be like 100 influence for completion maybe there could be a daily mission for everyone maybe some timed ones like get 10 wins in 15min or something

InceptionAE -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:18:39)

Aww. Come on!

Why do you people want to make this AQW. Lay off the quests/assignments.

Keep it to PvP.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:21:41)

my point is if quests is for faction of who those the more whoever has more time to do more and get them will probably win.

maybe each mem of the chil fac does like 1-2 quests. but the ones from active ones does like 5 per each member.
because they had more time to do it. it would still be the same

TTG Sean -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:22:47)

Gold The Quests Aren't Going to Be Like Who can get the Most Wins

goldslayer1 -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:26:00)

i know but if the boards are based on who does the most quests. active facs will still win it.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:41:36)

Here is an example of a mission or assignment.

Elf Priest JZaanu's mission: All officers of Eternal Paradise, your mission is to defeat 5 faction founders from lvl 8+ factions. All members of Eternal Paradise, your mission is to defeat 5 officers from any lvl 8+ faction.

Also Founders would be able to obtain special Founder only missions/assignments as well.

Retrosaur -> RE: Faction Founders assigning missions/assignments? (7/15/2011 14:42:26)


It's more like a "Daily Quest", for example, get 200 kills. Then they can repeat it the next day

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