Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (Full Version)

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Fatal Impact -> Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 2:51:19)

Well I was expecting these with the update and got pretty dissapointed when all that happened was a boss called admin 11, that looks like he got hacked and left with the stun cannon pops up with no reward but 1,800 credits.. I feel ripped off wheres my survival mode [:@]

MrBones -> RE: Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 6:47:36)

Well, I might be mistaken but the ''survival mode'' you are talking about is the Juggernaut mode.

The ''New achievement system'' is the fame cheevos.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 12:53:09)

No they are releasing a survival mode where Its basicly 1v1 matches with no break inbetween and you see how long you can last, when you die the credits/xp is determined on how many wins you got, and the levels you face are about the same as Jugg. Mode.. The new acheivment system features tons of new acheivments and missions that unlock acheivments, Im not sure but I think the rating system is going to change as well.

I hope this helps MrBones.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 12:57:36)

Where did you hear this???

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 13:59:48)

Survival mode would be unfair to the first low level you fight.

As for Admin 11, I know he's useless in this update but he'll do something LATER. So just chill and wait on that one.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Survival Mode And New Acheivment System (7/15/2011 14:04:14)

Well I like the admin 11. I love the 2v1 fights against a boss. :)

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