Mr. Black OP -> RE: which class do you think is the best now (7/18/2011 0:52:43)
Think Twice, circle of pain, energy eggzooka,stun blaster, bunny borg E, gamma bot.. With malf Acting like smoke they are just as good if not better than the strength bounty. They even have an overlooked attack that regains energy and in my opinion thats better than frenzy witch just got nerfed :p adding shadow arts and defense matrix to this makes a deadly build. And they even have technician! What more do I need to say other than OP! too bad all the weapons except blades are rare lol, its good but smoke beats malf because it makes it easier to block, if ur goin str CH DM is useless, since u cant lower the chance for ur opponent to block the static charge missing could ruin ur strat, Sa is their only passive which is completely luck based and u wld need 42 support at max making a str CH very difficult to use effectively i still say T merc followed by bh, the nerf t merc to level of bh and buff up the rest till the level of bh the game is balanced :D