RE: Energy weapons. (Full Version)

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Drakadh -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/17/2011 23:56:06)

I want a seasonal energy sidearm rare! ( Thats none var ) :) The best Non var side arm thats not rare is the Marauder Boomstick ( It cant be compared to the Hypertalon, since it has 4 less stats that the Boomstick )

Hope fully I can see some good Non Var side arms ;P

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 0:02:06)

Likely you will have to wait till lvl 34 for energy based weapons. Beta weapons were the same in regard to choice; only staff and sword were energy. :) Good luck in finding energy weapons.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 0:24:30)

If your going CH, you dont actually need an energy primary. Use Delta Destroyer with Stun Blaster and E Eggzooka.

Monstrocon -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 7:08:42)

^ And gamma/assault bot.

Drakadh -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 10:00:19)


Correct but its best to have Energy as your main since you will have malf, andwhen you get energy, your damage is your only hope, So Higher damage Higher Mana ( From Static Charge )

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 10:26:18)

Well it depends as most TMs have high support with Deadly Aim, they wanna put all the high damage together.
And then the bot like Monstrocon said, Gamma for 5 focus and Assault for high support.

The Cardclasher -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 11:12:51)

I SUPPORT and why u sean when its some good post u tell thats dumb why should they and those comments if u will doing that all the time than u dont need to be on forum

theholyfighter -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 11:43:30)

i want energy guns~~~or aux~~~~

Midnightsoul -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 13:23:48)

the best energy claws would probably be cryo claws

Fatal Impact -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 13:47:51)

@^ those claws might be the best energy claws for a focus build, but not many people use claws for focus builds, they use swords. For a strength build circle of pain are the best energy claws.

Segmail -> RE: Energy weapons. (7/18/2011 18:57:15)


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