=HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (Full Version)

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mturf -> =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/15/2011 15:29:47)

Check out the next 2 pages of the comic ^-^

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/15/2011 15:51:12)

Do you mind if I post my post on the contest thing I placed in the other Webcomic Thread here? I just wanted to get it off my chest.


http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=19292546 (just replace text wall with link ~mturf)

Love the new pages! I got to ask though, would it be possible to find a way to lay them out in a more Webcomicy form? And the guy KNOWS he's in a comic? That could lead to some interesting situations.

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/16/2011 11:11:25)

indeedy. he's a strange character to write for, but fun.
any changes to the layout format would come from someone else. atm i'm just sticking with writing and drawing the pages. altho when i drew them i imagined a more standard webcomc layout, i kinda like how the pages flow vertically when posted together.
i will be posting short bio's, but only for the characters in the comics at the time, others could possibly be considered spoilers :P

Devastate -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/16/2011 11:20:42)

Nice work. I'm watching out for the bios. [:D]

Condor -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/19/2011 0:32:43)

AHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHA I looooove characters that break the 4th wall!!!
there my fav!!

BadDream Productions -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 4 & 5) (7/19/2011 10:35:36)

LoL Very nice work, and i just saw Arcadia's Bio << Luv it Nice character.


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