EpicDuel Whos Your.... (Full Version)

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...Sonya... -> EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 8:29:36)

Favourite NPC?

It can be any,for various reasons.

Mine Preferabbly is George Lowe - Cause he Talks while battling.Something I Love doing :)

Discuss ! -Sonya

MrBones -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 8:35:21)

Yeah Lowe is pretty funny... 'Come aboard the PAIN train'


...Sonya... -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 8:36:45)

@MrBones : I LoL'ed


Wraith -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 8:47:57)

I like Aldriah the most...she looks scary. And she's my favorite class changer,

8x -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 8:51:09)

Mirv, he sells cheap boosters :D

Luna_moonraider -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 11:12:28)

Mirv he sell cheap boosters and he buys stuff at a higher rate and he is located not so far a kraggor (yes kraggor has the same buy rate a mirv)

TTG Sean -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 11:17:13)

I like Bigtuna For her Fight Sayings.

I Ninja'd Classified

classifiedname -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 11:20:06)

@above last time check kraggor has only high rate on guns but that might have changed

anyways mine would have to be goerge lowe "listen up hop scotch daddys bringing the pain"

Luna_moonraider -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 11:25:36)

classified name u been ninja-ed by TTG lolz

@ classified
hmm are u sure gonna try it now

DeathGuard -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 12:31:21)

Marauder Hulk, because he is very easy and I farmed him a lot in the past but the lvel cap raise so no more hulk[:@]

edwardvulture -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 12:32:52)

Valery-She drops boosters

LunarWarlord -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 12:51:22)

Marauder Hulk.

DeathGuard -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 12:55:18)

^ I ninja'd you xD

Kain Sariel -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 13:10:58)

Servertron 3000, any npc that gives me drinks is a friend of mine!

Agiluz -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 13:22:50)

Kraggor, sells cheaps boosters and also you could buy cheevos [:)]

DeathSpawn -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 13:56:10)

Mirv hands down!

Highest buy back, 24 cred HP Boosters, and he obviously did some border hopping and participated in a 50 man carpool to get here so he deserves it, I mean that's hard work :D

charwelly -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 17:30:19)

Mine would have to be Gorge lowe his sayings are so cheesy

PumKing -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 18:13:27)

Mine is armored hazzard, I'm just a sucker for that kind of mouth that opens four ways *evil laugh*

Fatal Impact -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 21:43:18)

Valestra is my favorite NPC ;)

goldslayer1 -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 21:46:28)

well i like Nightwraith's NPC because he looks alot like wolverine. (u can tell thats probably one of his inspirations)
so i say nightwraith

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 22:04:38)

Mirv. He sells me cheap boosters, gives me extra sellback and lets me beat him up ^^

drinde -> RE: EpicDuel Whos Your.... (7/16/2011 22:58:29)

Mirv. He's short and sells at a low price.

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