(HS)Elements of Smash (Full Version)

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UnityDestroyer -> (HS)Elements of Smash (7/16/2011 22:24:41)

Chapter 1:Call of Smashers!

One day it was the day of destruction.
But it was not over when the Smashers arrived on Super City.
They attacked all forces that will attack and come attack Super City.
A soldier was fighting as long as the Smashers.
Unity one of the Smashers noticed the soldier so he came by the soldier and said "Hello".
The soldier said "Hello".
They continued fighting to enemies.
Unity used his powers to vanish the enemies.
After the peace the Smashers came back to they're home planets.
3000 Years later the Smashers received letters writing that Clown will declare a war on Super City.
They came on Super City and it was half destroyed by Clown The Jester.
The Smashers met the soldier again and Unity asked his name and he said "My name is Destro".
They saw a big battleship at the sky with Clown The Jester at the top of it.
Clown The Jester said at the top of his voice "Fellows of Super City starting today we declare War!".

Chapter 2:Danger!

They battled all of the monsters from the underground to make the amount more lesser.
First of all,They need to get equipment's.
Destro told them to go to Titanium Threads.
When they got there,it was half burned.
They got many equipment's after the building burned.
They got to the Subway to kill the fleas and chudlings.
They need to kill 100 Fleas and 50 Chudlings to clean the job.
They killed 150 Fleas to make it more clear.
And they killed 100 Chudlings to make it all clear.
For the last part,they need to kill Momma Chud and King Zong.
They need to bring the 2 monsters near Subway.
After they bought the 2 monsters near subway.
They fight their way to finish it Unity finished it with two punches at the head.

Chapter 3:Fall of the One

After they finished the underground work,they're next mission was on down the ship of Clown The Jester.
When they arrived it was fully destroyed.
They saw a man,he was full of gadgets,and Unity ask for his name and he said "My name is Experimental".
After that Experimental attacked Unity and they both fall down.
When Experimental was falling he saw a girl that was walking.
Experimental almost fall to that girl and his safety gadget made his jetpack automatically turned on.
Unity punched Experimental in the face and flew back to the ship.
Experimental became unconscious and the Smashers took Experimental to the underground and Destro took care of him.
Destro said "How are you?" Experimental said "I fall in L..e" Destro said "What!You fell into a lake?You liar!You fall into a land not a lake!" Experimental said loudly "I fell In-love!".
Destro said "I don't care and Are you a good guys or a bad guy from Clown The Jester?" Experimental said "...d" following that is "Good" Destro said "Why did you attack Unity?".
Experimental said "There was a small beam that can kill one enemy so i attacked him to evade it".
The time continues.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: (HS)Elements of Smash (7/16/2011 22:31:15)

The Story

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