Refrences (Full Version)

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78goldspike -> Refrences (7/18/2011 15:52:41)

I personally like the humor, but it would be nice to see more refrences. I played Dragonfable the other day, pressed war cry, and my guy yelled, "Leeeeeeroyyyyyyyy Jennnnnnnkiinnssssssssss!!!" That World of Warcraft refrence made me lol. I'd love to see that in Epic Duel sometimes. Only sometimes, because this game has more things to focus on. What would you recommend? (I hope this subject gets over 9000! refrences!) Heh, that was from dbz. By the way, I can point out where your refrences were from! Test me![8|]


Have you heard or seen refrences in Epic Duel or even other Artix games? I'd be glad to know[:D]

Any questions on refrences, I'm here![;)]


There is also a refrence forum on Dragonfable. Since you're on this, though, I doubt you care, but I'm just saying for your convenience.

Basicball -> RE: Refrences (7/18/2011 15:56:26)

by Mirv's hammer, you're right!

Razen -> RE: Refrences (7/18/2011 15:58:11)

I believe we need Hank to say, "You will be baked and then there will be cake." Cause it's true. xD

Wootz -> RE: Refrences (7/18/2011 16:05:09)

I think that when Slayer's on the kill he should say: "Sweet dreams!" Guess the refrence.

78goldspike -> RE: Refrences (7/18/2011 16:08:00)

To Speedy: I saw that phrase in a lot of places.[8D]

78goldspike -> RE: Refrences (7/18/2011 16:10:35)

To Razen: The cake is a lie!!! (Portal)[:D]

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