RE: What do you miss about Beta? (Full Version)

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DillBagel -> RE: What do you miss about Beta? (7/19/2011 2:58:13)

I miss all my friends that left.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: What do you miss about Beta? (7/19/2011 2:59:44)

I miss the threads. Mainly now it's just complaining...

Midnightsoul -> RE: What do you miss about Beta? (7/19/2011 8:12:40)

man.... i was SOOOOOOO NOOB back then...
i was just a stupid dex spammer but i remember one 2v2 fight where i blocked SO much. especially when i had 1 hp. XDDDDDDD
if i had the oppurtunity to have the good items i have now, i probably wont be having more losses than wins. ._. but im stll happy shadow arts was released. >:D

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