RE: Great News Everyone (Full Version)

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hoochhenry -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:14:58)

What would be the point in this ?
10,000 Varium, 10,000 Battle Tokens, 10,000 Credits !
This would be an insane price to invest on an armour
People who play the game alot would have this amount Credits,Varium,Battle Tokens.
On the other hand people who dont play as much will certainly not have this amount of Credits,Battle Tokens,Varium
So IMO I wouldnt like to see this happening in-game

~ Hooch ~

Sparticus -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:15:00)

Lets face it, you're going to see a limited time shop selling a P and E version of some new armor with the same tired stats and the same tired enhancements. If anything else comes out it will throw more stats into an already insanely high stat pool. Perhaps they will look cool but how many sets of armor do you really need with 4,4,4,4 stat modifiers?

...Sonya... -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:17:20)

@Sparticus : Maybe It Will be Different No one Knows.


hoochhenry -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:17:36)

^ Maybe it wont be 4,4,4,4 Mods
They can change it :)

Razen -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:18:02)

@Aokuda: Blink before you try to read anything I type. It works wonders. Besides, this is now my signature color. :P

Anyways, I hope this armor is amazing in appearance, like Caden's Cuirass, and is different for each gender AND class. My tech mage does not like looking like a merc.

If I have to highlight it to read you text, your font color is too bright. ~Ashari

Sparticus -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:22:24)

6,4,4,2? Oh wait that's already been done. I think there are a few more versions of dividing 16 stats into four categories so I'm not going to waste time listing them all but whatever it is, I don't think the total will exceed 16. Even if its one or two more, is it worth buying, enhancing and then doing the same for the alternate set(P vs E)? I don't need 2 extra stat points for 30-40 bucks.

comicalbike -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:23:23)


hoochhenry -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:27:11)

@ Sparticus
The Devs of the game will use their brains to make a fantastic armour like founder armour and maybe they will have 8,8
No Body Knows... Its mysterious for now, Until the near future

~ Hooch ~

Hiddenblade -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:27:36)

it has to be non varium because all of the other ones are outdated the non-varium ones cant even compare to the varium one like bunny borg, spacewarrior,etc and it should not be limited quantity thats bad for non variums

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:28:01)

Who knows, the mystery is the gift, maybe the stats of the armor is 9,9,9,9 cause it's an uber armor and who knows maybe it's +12 Dex or Resistance or maybe it's both. I guess we'll have to wait and see on Friday.

ND Mallet -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:29:36)

I don't understand you at all Angels. You complain about how much you spend on this game yet you want them to make a new armor that will make you spend 50$ to just buy it without a single enhancement?

I personally hope they don't make such an expensive item unless it's varium power but meant for free players.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:32:39)

Angels how about one hell-of-a hard quest chain for the new Armors becuase the last Varium armor was April and the last F2P armor for 25+ was early Gamma/Late Beta

hoochhenry -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:33:00)

@Hidden Blade
Note that NigthWaraith used the word "Armour's" in his twitter page
Maybe there will be a new non-varium armour

~ Hooch ~

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:52:00)

as long as its not available to minorities im fine with it.....I hate when non variums get something cool :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:55:26)

even tho you say you are joking every time please shut up with the holier then you remarks

Midnightsoul -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 19:58:55)

angel, u probably would have no problem getting that much. look at u, u spend sooooooooo much money on this game. and nearly no one would get it... idk about u but to me, only serious no-lifers would go get that.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:05:27)

also...angel, ur the most ironic person ive ever known. first, ur all like tac mercs are OP, then u change to a tac merc knowing that they will be nerfed. -_-
second, u complained at prices but u want a single armor for fifty bucks?
well...theres also one last thing i can say about u but i'd rather keep to myself but angels, u need to really make up ur mind...

edwardvulture -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:07:47)

Angels know most people will not be able to get that, so she wants to be Oped and beat the crap out of everyone. She's just being selfish.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:08:47)

Well hopefully it is an unlimited amount then everyone has a chance to get the new armor. Some players out there are greedy and will buy more of the same type just so only a limited few could get one. If there is an energy and a physical then they should put in the code you could only buy one of each type not two, three, or four of each type only one.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:08:50)

I just want Epicduel and the players to be happy. Being oped is the last thing on my mind.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:11:20)

an armor that expensive will make more players PO'ed then happy

StriderAigis -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:17:40)


as long as its not available to minorities im fine with it.....I hate when non variums get something cool :)

u jokoing?

Evric -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:23:14)

out of all the prices 10k tokens would be the hardest to get

cuz it aint just like buying varium or creditin a varium package

u have to earn it

edwardvulture -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:25:28)

That's racist Jehannum

death before dawn -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 20:35:25)

i feel like this thread is useless and there is no point. we all know ed is losing players and with ur crazy idea ed will go bankrupt. They have limited time items for a reason.
talking about armors, i feel like a armor needs to come out that is better or on par to founder armor. founder was promised to be the best in beta and now it is delta.

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