RE: Great News Everyone (Full Version)

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T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:12:56)

They did say that the quest items would have a use, so I think that we should require the gold bullets, old fortune city key and the defeat of admin11 to gain access to a special shop that sells the armor for a reasonable price. The shop will only be here for a limited time.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:17:36)

10k varium and 100k credits and 20k battle tokens. That would be insane :D

elm street -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:26:17)

"Do I look like I'm kidding? I'm being serious about the cost. If the armors were this expensive, the people would have no choice but to come back to this game. "

or just quit because ppl dont feel like no lifing to get it?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:27:11)

Admin 11 was just credits wasnt he(his luck is much greater then mine so havent beat him yet)

but yeah Gold bullets and key card for an epic quest chain for Armor would be great dropping Two items dong some work and getting new armor

Fatal Impact -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:34:54)

In reality its going to be around 15-20k credits and 1-2k varium. No quest or anything just plain armor, they want as much people buying it as they can.

DeathGuard -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:38:24)

Dam Angels, I thought you were intelligent but now I see you thinking like a 3 years old, are you insane? Is like that I will give my house to play this game, is kind of stupid.

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:38:31)

@OWA: Cinderella mentioned that the quest where you defeat admin11 will lead to some other quests.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:43:55)

@^ she said there will be more quests that require defeating admin 11 -.-

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:49:48)


We are planning to add Admin 11 to other quest lines, that's why he doesn't have an achievement attached to him.

Here's the quote from here, which can be found here. I think it would be good if there was an armor that was not a promo and it required the completion of some reasonably difficult missions to get it. Once you complete the mission you gain access to the limited time shop and you can purchase the armor for a small credit and varium fee.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:50:26)

i really hate Admin 11 he makes BT look like a fair player but ill suck it up and be lucky

but as long as we get armor i guess its good and i believe he said Armors which might mean no more of this Omniclass Omni Gender armor

T.600 that means he will be part of other Quest story lines so i might be able to ignore this one

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:52:01)

@OWA: My idea was in reference to the rare varium armor which is like founder that I think they should make, but I think that there should be some non varium armors as well, but they will be easier to aqcuire.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:53:59)

T.600 if your going to do a quest line why not have them as the same level of challenge in the case of a 2v1 boss a F2P and a full Varium tank can team up to take it down and everyone is a winner

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 21:58:52)

@OWA: I would just like for them to stop including all rares in promos. I want this to be a proper RARE that low levels can't get (no offence).

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 22:30:30)


That's racist Jehannum
Hate to break this to you, but non variums are not a race. they are barely even people :P

Yes yes Im kidding. the topic is offensive and a bit tongue in cheek.

ur going to fail -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 23:43:35)

i don't regularly check anyone's tweeter except for dage the evil from aqw. and he posts stuff that doesn't get released for 1-2 months or even never.

Yo son -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/18/2011 23:55:36)

I don't care, if an armor gives more than all my equipped weapon+fully enhanced combined stats; their is no way am paying more than 2000 varium on an armor.

How about, adding a really strong NPC, the reward would be the armor? or adding a 2v1 Npc, this time Npc(2) vs us.

Or how about adding a quest, that the reward is the armor, the chance of getting the item for the quest is so low, that you either has to be an extremely lucky person to get it, or have to have alot of patience to keep trying over and over again?

Or do, something diffrent, something thats doesnt say "I want you 50 dollars."

Sipping Cider -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 0:16:57)

First off, for those who have not figured it out yet, angelsholocaust is being sarcastic about this.

Of course it would be OP, since whoever gets it wins all their battles making it harder to get for others since they lose all their fights against those who have the armor.

And it would most definately no draw people that left back to the game as they would feel that they have to pay a ton of more money

This would not make the game more diverse, as everyone who wants to be good would have to have this armor.

Anyways, i just hope the armor that does come out looks cool :)

King FrostLich -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 6:57:12)

New armors eh.... ohh crud I have a bad feeling I might have to sell mines if it's better

Nebula -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:01:25)

I want new non-varium armours for my alt.

+7/8 Def or Resist and 13 ( 6 dex, 7 support ) stats would be fine for my alt tech mage. :D

kakilleon2 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:05:47)

Angels you want balance or not?
If the armor will be like you suggest, all NO non-var will get it and the ones who gets it will be super OP.
And all you guys who is flaming the devs when they make a unbalanced feature now want a SUPER OP armor.


goldslayer1 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:12:15)

HOW ABOUT fighting a super hard NPC.
which could require a quest chain which requires a certain item to unlock (gold jugg card?)
making it VERY hard. so that it takes literally HOURS to get.
and lower lvls would not be able to get this. in fact they should rigg the NPC to do more crits and blocks on u the lower ur lvl so that lower lvls cant get it.
for example the NPC's crit, block, and deflect rate get boosted against lower lvls.
lvl cap = average crit rate and blocks and deflects but VERY VERY VERY hard to kill.
lvl cap -1 = +10% more crits on all attacks, +10% blocking, +10% deflect
lvl cap -2 = +15% more crits on all attacks, +15% blocking, +15% deflect
lvl cap -3 = +20% more crits on all attacks, +20% blocking, +20% deflect
lvl cap -4 = +25% more crits on all attacks, +25% blocking, +25% deflect

this would make it IMPOSSIBLE for lower lvls to beat this NPC that will give them the armor.
and since it requires a certain item to unlock the quest (an item like the gold jugg card)
the devs still get money out of it, we get an under used armor, and tons of newbs will have bought it but wont be able to get it until lvl cap.
this way encumberance will not screw the higher lvls.

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:14:02)

@goldslayer: I love that idea bro, but I think that certain item should be the gold bullets and fortune city key which can be merged to form the required item.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:16:49)

well if thats the case.
then making fortune city key opens a special place in fortune city where these quests can be accessed.
as long as i dont see a freaking noob lvl 29 with the latest top notch gear fully enhanced and getting lucky in battle, ill be fine.

T.600 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:18:14)

@above: So will I, but making a special place in fortune city would require too much effort to make :/.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Great News Everyone (7/19/2011 7:20:18)

nah u know the doors behind shadowguard?
make another passage lvl cap (33) players only.
they did it for lawman im sure they can make it for this too.
it would only be like a screen or 2.

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