What do you think is the best weapon overall? (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 0:07:17)

best weapon overall... whatcha think?

edwardvulture -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 0:12:37)

Celtic Cleaver. Too bad I don't has it.

AxeOFury -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 0:19:24)

Well the weapon used in most all my builds, Frostbane :)
But for wristblades, ....yea Frostbite and E bunny chompers
And a staff, Azreal :) luv it.
Only including weapons i have ^

Mr. Black OP -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 0:20:02)

for me frostbite, for most ppl celtic cleaver or azrael bane

Sipping Cider -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 0:39:06)

Those shadow claws things are super assassin

Celtic cleaver is heavenly

Exile war sword is super good looking

azreals bane grosses me out

bunny chompers are super evil looking

but the winner of all would have to be a spoon, one that goes by the name of

too big!

beastmo -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 1:19:52)

The almighty Frostbite

ShadowDragon957 -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 1:21:27)

Delta Sword and Bunny Bazooka

Fatal Impact -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 1:29:51)

Azrael's Bane, Frostbane, Liberty Ripper. Those are my favorites because I love focus builds, and they all have 34 stat bonuses :D 1 is energy 2 are physical.

Midnightsoul -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 1:34:45)

some few weps that are pretty powerful to BH's.
for tech/support BH:
Cryo Claws
SkullFire Blaster
Frost Cannon
Gamma Bot

for dex/str BH:
Frostbite Claws
FrostBolt Blaster
Frost Cannon
Assault Bot

But...the best of all would be.............IT WOULD BE...Delta Destroyer.

Yo son -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 1:39:32)

Frostbane, Azreal, Azreal bane, Delta sword, Bunnies and Eggs, Diamond claws, shotgun (forgot name),Rixtys, that's about it.

voidance -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 10:13:59)

For primaries: the banes and celtic series weapons
For aux's: bunnies and egg's
For side arms: plasma acp hands down (easily the most used varium side arm)

altimatum -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 10:16:48)


AQWPlayer -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 10:20:21)

A mercenary's best weapon is his cellphone :D (get it?)

Drakadh -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 11:25:23)

The heck is frost bite? Well I am a TechMage So I love FrostBane! :DDD I might get it!

Epic Pwnser -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 11:46:30)

The best weapon overall
Primary: Deltas
Sidearm: Beta Blaster
Armor: Founder Armor
Auxiliary: Eggzookas
Robot: Gamma Bot

Sound familiar?

Personally, I love the kringle bot staff.

Fatal Impact -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 12:22:10)

Frostbane and Azrael's Bane are the exact same. One is physical, one is energy.

kakilleon2 -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 12:26:19)

Blunderbuss, it can be used in EVERY build ;P

Kain Sariel -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 12:37:31)

I would say your brain, but in my case I would be weaponless =p.

elm street -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 13:29:36)

almost all 34 stat primarys are the "best" atm. as a deffensive build liberty scythe is better to me than the new delta weapons, was kind of a wasted investment for me tbh [&:]

Chosen 0ne -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 13:37:14)

frostwraith, good for tech, and strength.

7 strength
13 tech
6 support i think

8 enchances.

DeathGuard -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 13:39:40)

I say Serpent Warder and Maple cleaver [:D]

TurkishIncubus -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 14:05:09)

For now Bunny Borg i use it in my every build

InceptionAE -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 15:39:23)

Delta weapons are all the best, for it's damage, and stats.

However, everyone should agree that Frostbane is the best. Looks awesome, has good stats, and is most favored weapon in the entire game. =D

1. Delta Weps.

2. Frostbane

3. Beta Weps. (For noob levels)


Bunny Borg is not a weapon, it's an armor.


In that case, it's Frostbane.

voidance -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 15:50:37)

He didn't ask what was the strongest, he asked what was the best. I'm pretty sure frostbanes 30 months of supreme ownage out weighs delta weapons month of being the strongest.

Wasalu M. Jaco -> RE: What do you think is the best weapon overall? (7/19/2011 15:51:45)

best weapons are the eggzookas
dont they count as weps?

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