Which Weapon Do You Think ? (Full Version)

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hoochhenry -> Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:27:40)

Which weapon do you like/love <3 And why ?
You can reply with this :

I Like This Weapon: (The Weapon You Have Choosed)
Why I Like This Weapon:
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta:

Please No Flaming To Me Or Others

Everyone's Opinion Counts

~ Hooch ~


T.600 -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:29:38)

I Like This Weapon: Azrael
Why I Like This Weapon: It looks fantastic, it has great stat modifiers, it was used by many great players.
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: Beta

LambO -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:30:56)

Which Weapon do i like? Bunny Chompers.

I like this weapon because: They look great, there strong & they look amazing with my look. xD
Why I like this weapons: Read above.
It was invented in: Beta.

hoochhenry -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:34:08)

Thanks Alot For Comments Guys :)
@T.600 I know right alot of "legends" have used this great weapon

...Sonya... -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:35:21)

I Like This Weapon: Delta Maul - Click Me
Why I Like This Weapon: You Can See The Sky And The Sun Through The Purple Ball <3
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: Delta :)


Agiluz -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 7:47:17)

I Like This Weapon: Heartbreaker Claws
Why I Like This Weapon: It was a good effective weapon in Beta Phase with Support-Poison builds
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: Beta

goldslayer1 -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 8:01:57)

I Like This Weapon: E/P eggzookas
Why I Like This Weapon: they overthrew bunnies
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: gamma

Shadow Jester -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 8:06:39)

I Like This Weapon: Azrael
Why I Like This Weapon: Love the design...I love myths and studying about region
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: Beta

Ice wolf X -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 8:12:20)

I like this weapon : Azrael
Because it is the best staff in this game(in my opinion) and have epic stats , it loos really cool give me the presting to my look:D
Was invented in Beta,

The Cardclasher -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 8:26:09)

Which weapon do I like?Physical Bunny chompers.
Why?They are cool high stat modifiers and 31+dmg
Invented it beta

Rabies -> RE: Which Weapon Do You Think ? (7/19/2011 9:06:49)

I Like This Weapon: Too Big!
Why I Like This Weapon: Because it's a spoon... and you can kill people with it!
It Was Invented In Alpha/Gamma/Beta/Delta: Beta

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