RE: New Armors! (Full Version)

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.Nikzat. -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:12:54)

This is what Nightwraith's twitter said

Also, new armors coming thing week!

voidance -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:16:18)

Lol I ask nicely and get no answers, I call someone illiterate and get 3 within a minute.

DeathGuard -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:17:56)

Lol, that is kind of rude >__>

.Nikzat. -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:31:33)

yeah, i gave him the answer :o

Dendavex -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:40:44)

@ND Mallet yeah she buys everything now she wants an armor you can get for weeks and that will be rare pfff make it limited and let Buffy only buy 1 e.e

InceptionAE -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 15:44:11)

Actually, they should make an armor/class that's only for people who have bought a limited amount of varium..

Like how in AQW you need 15 month mem. to get Chaos Shaper class.

Sounds good right?

.Nikzat. -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:06:52)

really good idea hope it will be so

Dendavex -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:08:18)

@Hunter it not gonna happen sadly [:(]

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:10:08)


Actually, they should make an armor/class that's only for people who have bought a limited amount of varium..

Like how in AQW you need 15 month mem. to get Chaos Shaper class.

For godness sake NO!!! AQW had it because they lacked Membership perk's. Look here. You technacly NEED varium to play this game at high level.You get everything and you want more? Cant get anymore greedier then that.

.Nikzat. -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:10:42)

who know's it maybe will happen ;)
we will see and wait...

pistol star -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:15:23)

I hope they are stylish like founder armour but not the exact same as it.
But it should have good stats

~ Pistol ~

The Cardclasher -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 16:48:48)

Ye ye cant wait It will be same like titan says on twitter that screaming eagle will be new promo and we got delta destroyer

PivotalDisorder -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 17:00:13)

link me this Screaming eagle comment he made on twitter.

as far as I remember, people raged that it wasnt part of this years independance day update thats all.

The Cardclasher -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 17:16:48)

Aww man cant find it and yea people raged cuz titan or night told on twitter that screaming eagle is new promo so much of those buyed 10000 variums when they saw delta destroyer that was flamy =O

PivotalDisorder -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 17:36:51)

honestly, sounds like an event that never happened

we got the DNS that showed delta items would be the promo BEFORE the promo was available. so if anyone bought it blind and then didnt get
what they wanted only have their self to blame. especially as when your buying the promo all that you will receive is displayed right before you

i remember the flaming from not adding the screaming eagle but I didnt see anyone complaining about broken promises

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: New Armors! (7/19/2011 20:48:35)

im thinking that a new class specific armor mage hunter and merc(base and evo classes are the same for now) both non varium and varium and that the Varium armor wont be as Smexy as founder(now will the F2P armor but Varium stuff usally looks better)

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