Whats the update for? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


Yo son -> Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 14:36:10)

Lol, so what was the update about?

Lol,this lag!

comicalbike -> RE: Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 14:38:45)

securty update

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 14:38:45)

Yet Another Patch/Bug Fix Update.


ND Mallet -> RE: Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 14:42:00)

It was specifically to patch a hack that allowed you to rage on first turn and insta-kill someone.

Yo son -> RE: Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 15:10:39)

kool, an update for players who dont care about the game xD

InceptionAE -> RE: Whats the update for? (7/19/2011 15:37:30)

Lol, I think one of the hackers raged bunker and whiped my entire health out..

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