=ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 23:10:12)


Update Addendum

Let me just amend that last update. We PLANNED on having a update ready for Monday, but due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, we were unable to do so. We worked all day Monday to try to get the security update live for the both the Master Account (or is it Artix Account?) and EpicDuel, but we only had time for the Master Account. I announced it on my Twitter account, but I forgot to update the design notes to reflect that. Oops.

Many of you are also probably aware of the network-wide downtime this Sunday. That was due to the notorious load balancer. Since it's silly to remain dependant on one fickle piece of hardware, we are freeing ourselves of its clutches this Friday (or possibly Thursday) when we go live with an content/balance/security update. Should be good times.

Stay tuned for more info.

Some AK tag it please

Tagged. ~Ashari

Yo son -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 15:14:38)

first post lawl. finnaly, first post on an update thing xD

Good update btw.

elm street -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 15:22:02)

omg these designer notes are so broad how are we suppose to no what to expect? nightwraith=george bush of epicduel??

"this week there will be an update thingy with some content, and some lag fixin, and maybe some balance thrown in there [;)]" reporter: "mr design president can you specify some of the features of this update?" "you should listen more carefully miss reporter girl with your fancy camra, like i said there will be content and bugs and things. should be good times [;)]" reporter: "omg...."

Hiddenblade -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:33:14)

now we have to wait longer for update hope its worth it......

Sipping Cider -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:35:12)

But if you think about it its just like normal now, update every Friday or once each week, so even though it seems longer away it is not.

Hope its a good one though[:)]

skeletondude -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:36:08)


content/balance/security update

huh content AKA armors or sumthing else ??

king julian -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:36:27)

Gewd they trying to protect us :D

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:37:36)

so this mean lagg will be gone?

skeletondude -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:39:46)

^lag will always be there :P

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:42:55)

i have a 1500 gb hard drive 8 gb ram (might upgrade to 16 GB)
and fast connection, AE games are the only games i lagg with.
theres no reason for me to have to lagg.
i play combat atms once in a while and god dam its a real lag fest if u have a bad comp.
but with ED its like bad comp + bad connections = ALOT of alagg
good comp + good connection = still laggy

there is no reason for this game to lagg this much on my computer (once again VERY fast) and make my NPCing take 20-30 minutes.

skeletondude -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:45:27)

@gold dude i don't want to knw ur whole computer system im jus telling tht for others and evry1 tht even thou u think lagg is gone it will come back

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 18:51:10)

i know there will always be lagg. but 20-30 minutes for 4 turn kills on npcs?
thats outrages when there was harly any lagg i use to do 15 npcs in 11 minutes with str BH.
now i can hardly do it in 20 minutes

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 19:01:08)

Dude I NPC with my main 12-13 minutes, my alt 13 minutes, which is non-varium.
And my alt 5 turns the NPC's.

On Topic:
Wow. Nothing? This game keeps getting worser and worser.
Ok security update. Great. But there better be something FUN next week. [:D]

Feral Ninja -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 19:27:22)


This better be a good update...

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 19:34:04)


i know there will always be lagg. but 20-30 minutes for 4 turn kills on npcs?
thats outrages when there was harly any lagg i use to do 15 npcs in 11 minutes with str BH.
now i can hardly do it in 20 minutes

I remember that i was once able to beat 15 NPCs in 12-15 minutes
with around 6-7 turns. This was long ago at beta phase.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/19/2011 23:12:34)

i use to do it in 11 minutes with str BH easily.
and about 7-8 minutes with the old str merc back in february

but the lagg is pretty horrible.
i been planning to get 500 wins a day for 2-3 weeks but because of lagg the ammount of time it took me to get 500 now only gets me 350-400 wins

Fatal Impact -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/20/2011 0:09:34)

This mean new armor possibly thursday?? :D

Larcell -> RE: =ED= Design Notes July 19, 2011 (7/20/2011 7:21:17)

ALMOST as good as sliced bread.

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