LatinLover/Martini -> 1vs1 Champion, 2vs2 Champion, Warlord, Rising Star, and Juggernaut Winners (7/19/2011 20:09:21)
Hey I just decided to make a list of everyone who has one a 1vs1 2vs2 and Juggernaut 1) Latin Lover - 1vs1 Champion 2) DjDele - 1vs1 Champion 3) VIX - 1vs1 Champion - 2vs2 Champion - Rising Star - Warlord 4) Death Gigas - 1vs1 Champion 5) GoldSlayer - 1vs1 Champion - 2vs2 Champion - Juggernaut - Rising Star 6) Da Bomb Expert - 1vs1 Champion 7) AxeOFury - 1vs1 Champion 8) Celestine - 1vs1 Champion - Juggernaut 9) .Rayman. - 1vs1 Champion 10) Jake01 - 2vs2 Champion 11) SleddyBoy - Warlord 12) Rogue Ninja - 1vs1 Champion - 2vs2 Champion 13) Zman - Rising Star 14) NightAngel - 2vs2 Champion - Juggernaut - Warlord - Rising Star 15) King FrostLich - Rising Star 16) skeletondude - Rising Star 17) Epic Pwnser - Rising Star 18) Sonya - 2vs2 Champion 19) 20)