NPC's being involved with power hour.. (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 20:16:52)

what if during power hour... you could fight npc's at an infinate amount for the hour... instead of being limited to 5 fights an npc and 15 fights an hour.... whhatcha think?

TTG Sean -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 20:17:50)

Idk You Could Get SO Much XP And Creds..

PivotalDisorder -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 20:29:57)

use brainwash. problem solved. /end topic

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 20:39:46)

brain wash can only do so much and rewards only Varium players who will blow varium on such a silly thing when they could save it for other things

i support the idea so the lv 26's who are favorite prey of the lv 31's and lv 30's could sit around and NPC all powerhour helping them level up so they will stand a bit more of a chance but i do not know if coding such a thing will be possible

AQWPlayer -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 21:18:17)

I support this...even though I am lvl 33 and have no intention of farming NPCs :P

death before dawn -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/19/2011 21:19:11)

i feel like the thing is that people will get easy wins and improve % and to be honest if u npc and have a gud % doesnt make u gud. credits are valuable and take time to earn. I understand what you are trying to suggest but the point should be to work hard to get something. You shouldnt be able to get 5k creds ina hour. If you could bttl npc 30 times every hour i would be happy though just cuz it saves me time ^^

Remorse -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/20/2011 5:47:22)

It's a nice idea,

But it could be easily abused.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/20/2011 5:54:03)

love the idea but it would make wining 1v1 medal much harder as tehre are 2 power hours a str bh/merc and support mages can easily abuse it the can 3 turn kill most npcs and take around 12-15 mins to finish 15 npcs. they easily get 60 wins or maybe more. 120 wins if u **** both power hours. and basically all the all timers would npc like mad too to improve their %. lest just give 1 free brain wash every power hour that would be better imho.

Larcell -> RE: NPC's being involved with power hour.. (7/20/2011 7:11:34)

Well, seeing that practically everything in this game is expensive and there are NO freebies (i.e. ballyhoo), I support.

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