wow just got done in a 2v2 and my partner call me a noob cause i was the lowest lvl in it......and im a lvl 32. like we won and all but like just because i couldnt get ahit above 30 im a noob.
like to me i think lvl 33's not all of them but part of them have their mindset that their the best and like every1 below them are noobs.
and have u noticed that most of the high lvls u face in 1v1 are TLM with the same build like theres no originality anymore
Yo son -> RE: gotta hate it (7/21/2011 3:40:23)
Lawl, if u got called noob, becasue you couldnt hit up to 30; them I must be an elitle noob when am fighting tanks woot woot.
DillBagel -> RE: gotta hate it (7/21/2011 3:46:04)
That, my friend, is the inevitable degrading of a playerbase as it increases in size. I, for one, am level 32 because I haven't played enough to get back to the cap yet. It's obvious too, because warlords aren't often stuck at level 32. :P At the rate this game's required EXP is hiking though, by level 40 we'll all need to be commanders to reach the level cap. This has got to slow down. :P
redxtra -> RE: gotta hate it (7/21/2011 3:56:35)
@yo son yea like i was facing 2 lvl 33 and my partner was a lvl 33 and they all had 20+ defences so like how am i gonna hit 30+ with those kind of defs