to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (Full Version)

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Basicball -> to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 7:39:50)

they wont be ...
Question (by Aquilon):

How do you think TLMs will get nerfed?

Awnser (by Ashari)

Simple answer, they won't be. ;)

TLM is how a class should be designed -- all of it's skills are viable and have a function, and many different builds are possible. Taking away a skill or two from Tactical Mercs won't do much since they have so many options to fall back on.

Balancing is going to try to bring the other classes up to the same level as Tactical Mercenary instead.

now pease stop bothering the lot of us with topis about it '-_-

Calogero -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 7:42:31)


there is also quotes that:

Instead of Raising all Classes in power, it is easier to nerf 1 class.


Taking away a skill or two from Tactical Mercs won't do much since they have so many options to fall back on.

great then there is no problem removing Hybrid... lol

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 7:44:16)

^this quote i only 1 day old though

AQWPlayer -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 10:42:57)


Taking away a skill or two from Tactical Mercs won't do much since they have so many options to fall back on.

Then it's about time to remove both hybrid armor and reroute :D

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 10:45:43)

reread: they WON'T be nerfed, they are what a class is supposed to be like

Wraith -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 10:48:22)

I'm Aquilon btw.and just so you know, this wasn't posted on AEF. It was in EDR.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 11:17:31)

Every person who had and still does have an issue on the design of this class has a right to express their opinions on it.

When people have supporting statements behind their concern, then it should be taken seriously.

It doesn't matter which end of the situation the game invests in their balancing, this statement makes it obvious one class has the most flexibility over the others.

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 11:20:14)

yet it will be fixed, and if classes keep geting nerfed, this game will depend entirely on luck

Larcell -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 11:22:33)


Simple answer, they won't be. ;)

TLM is how a class should be designed -- all of it's skills are viable and have a function, and many different builds are possible. Taking away a skill or two from Tactical Mercs won't do much since they have so many options to fall back on.

Balancing is going to try to bring the other classes up to the same level as Tactical Mercenary instead.

Very much agreed.

edwardvulture -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 11:51:40)

No Smoke or technician has to be removed

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 11:54:49)

guys, NOTHING is being removed

can't you read?

Zean Zapple -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:05:26)

Hah hah hah. I love the failure to listen, and the love to flame. The point of this thread was informational, to save you time.


Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:07:37)

^tnx ZZ

PivotalDisorder -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:14:13)

a developer did not post that so yeah back to square one. speculation, hope, or in Angels Holocaust and Goldslayer's case, desperation.

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:15:32)

Then we'll nag them even more until they open there eyes.

edwardvulture -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:16:00)

I read it and I disagreed. Simple.

Zean Zapple -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:18:57)

Hah Hah Hah. To all attempting to avoid the purpose of the thread with nonsense: Ashari said it, so you can believe it's true. It isn't a case of agreeing or disagreeing. Angels Holocaust only cares about balance when it gets in the way of her winning.


PivotalDisorder -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:21:57)

Just to point out again, Ashari has no say in whether a skill will be removed or not.

Zean Zapple -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:23:58)

Hah hah hah. Just to point out again, Ashari is repeating what was said to her by a/the Developer/Developers.


ajs777 -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:24:46)

the pathetic "nerfs" they gave TLM's made me laugh, they are only killing the game themselves the longer they leave this a problem, and it doesnt matter what they nerf, there are so many options with TLM and the one decent nerf was the artillery strike, which also weakened normal mercs, which isnt right, dont bother quoting angels, she only cares on making herself win, back in founder days i was like, man if i had a class that had reroute AND hybrid i would love it, of course i didnt think that would ever happen, but some genius decided to do it -_- anyways im having fun making alts, pwning everyone to lvl 28 then making a new one

Remorse -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:27:33)

^ same.

I read it and is firstly shocked that they think this is what a class should be...

This class has completely tacken over the orignal mercs and by "making all the other classes better" will never solve this problem they simply need to make TLM more diffrent to mercs.


Taking away a skill or two from Tactical Mercs won't do much since they have so many options to fall back on.

Doesn't this mean that she agrees that TLM are Oped??

I'll give you an example.
If mercs had Hybrid tacken from them they : Would have nothing to fall back on.
If BH had Blood lust tacken from them they : would have nothing to fall back on.
If tech mages had reroute tacken from them they: would have nothing good to fall back on.
If Blood mages had Blood lust tacken from them they : would have nothing to fall back on.
Cyber Hubter don't have anything to fall back on in the first place.

But. Like Ashari TLM have plenty to fall back on.. SO WHY DONT U JUST TAKE DAM HYBRID!

ajs777 -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:34:53)

I was disappointed in the lack of new skills between the classes, i think they should have different skills that have generally the same effect, put artillery strike back the way it was for mercs then have some new kind of multi attack for TLM that is the same as the current artillery strike, and for Cyber hunters multi then should have like some static discharge thing taht has a 25% chance crit multi and... *trails off into pointless changes i would make*

anyways taking two of the primary passive skills from classes and putting them into one class, pure stupid, its only obvious i mean seriously? who puts hybrid and reroute in one class? with smokescreen?? and frenzy acts like a blood lust with its cheap energy and reroute its almost liek you never used energy sure it has to cool down but with the amount it can return it still equals out i need to be there the next time they test classes -_-

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:40:11)


Just to point out again, Ashari has no say in whether a skill will be removed or not.

just to point out, Ashari says 'might' if it isn't sure, and i remember why i didn't post on the AEF in the first place, 75% of the people are plain stupid, 20 of the other 25% are on EDR

ajs777 -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:41:05)

^yet you go around saying it for sure wont

Basicball -> RE: to everyone nagging about TaM needing a nerf: (7/21/2011 12:41:25)

your point?

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