=ED= All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (Full Version)

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T.600 -> =ED= All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/21/2011 23:22:03)

This All-Time Leaders - Team Battle is for 50 players. The list will be changed every 2 weeks so that everyone gets a chance to be on it.

If you do not want to be included in the list, please let me know so I can remove you from the list. :p

  • If you want to be included in the list, please use this template:


    Character(Character name):

    A link to your character page:

    Do you have the daily solo champion:

    Do you have the daily team champion

    Member(Forum name):

    A link to your Member Profile:

  • Please DO NOT request someone else to be included in the list to prevent any problems.

    - Feel free to help out if there is something to fix or anything else.

    - I will do as best as I can to update this list when I have time.


    Epic Duel Wiki

  • Daily Team Champion : Awarded to the player with the most team battle victories during the day = 2,000 Rating Points

  • Information about Rating Points.

    All-Time Leaders - Team Battle : Updated > Tuesday, 06 September 2011 6:45 AM EST

    - I will do as best as I can to update this list when I have time.

    All-Time Leaders - Team Battle

    Rank .... Characters aa............... Wins .... Daily Solo Champion .... Daily Team Champion ....Members aa

    001. ...... ...Miraged...aa...............19,850................No .............................No .............. MirageD aa

    002. ...... luna moonfang 13aa........16,400................No .............................Yes.............. Luna_moonraider aa

    003. ...... Cap Harlocka...............14,889..................Yes .......................Yes ................. Harlock aa

    004. ...... Sakilinoa.........................11,802................No .............................No .............. Sakilino aa

    005. ...... Rogue Ninjaaaa................9,680................Yes.............................Yes.............. Agiluz aa

    006. ...... Shadistaaa......................8,918................No .............................No .............. Shadronica aa

    007. ...... King TaWaraaaa...............7,466................No .............................Yes.............. Bunshichi aa

    008. ...... XxCallistoxXaa..................7,226................No ............................Yes.............. Callisto aa

    009. ...... ConQrRaa........................6,860................Yes............................Yes.............. zatix aa

    010. ...... BarneyStillPwnsUaa...........5,797................Yes............................Yes.............. barneypwnsu aa

    0011. ...... Illuminatoraaa..................4,446................Yes............................Yes.............. Illuminator aa

    012. ...... Devils Advocate.aa...........4,353................No .............................No .............. voidance aa

    013. ...... Eddy Vultureaa.................4,146................No ............................No ............... edwardvulture aa

    014. ...... 8xaaa.............................3,760................Yes............................Yes.............. 8rlx0 aa

    015. ...... Roosteraaaa.....................3,867................No ............................No ............... Rooster aa

    016. ...... yo sona..........................3,658....................No .......................No ................. Yo son aa

    017. ...... Jan Hardyaa.....................3,333................No ...............................No ............... reyes 89 aa

    018. ...... Smackie El Frogaa.............3,101................Yes............................Yes............... Smackie al Frog aa

    019. ...... King Frostlichaaa..............3,052................No .............................No ............... FrostLich aa

    020. ...... Penyihiraa.......................3,011................No .............................No ............... PenyihiR aa

    021. ...... My Name is Jakeaa...........3,004................No .............................No ............... Jake01 aa

    022. ...... Master volconaa...............2,730................No .............................Yes ............... Master Volcon aa

    023. ...... temtuaa.........................2,659..................No ...............................No ............... temtu aa

    024. ...... T.600aaa........................2,634................No .............................No ............... T.600 aa

    025. ...... 666satan666aa................2,528................Yes.............................No ............... x666satan666x aa

    026. ...... Shadronicaaa..................2,385................Yes.............................No ............... Shadronica aa

    027. ...... xDeathGuardxaaa............2,345................No .............................No .............. cyberbakio ryugan aa

    028. ...... Inception Xa....................2,333................No .............................No ............... DungeonHunter aa

    029. ...... Evricaaa.........................2,330................Yes.............................No ............... Evric aa

    030. ...... WhiteTigerAEaa...............2,231................No .............................No ............... WhiteTiger aa

    031. ...... DaBombExperta..............2,201................Yes .............................No ............... DaBombExpert aa

    032. ...... Alcemidersaa..................2,200................Yes.............................Yes............... Alcemiders aa

    033. ...... skeletondudeaaa.............2,168................No .............................No ................ skeletondude aa

    034. ...... Ms.JustNotPerfecta...........2,132.............No ............................Yes .......................... ...Sonya... aa

    035. ...... Toadborgaa....................2,109................No .............................No ............... Jehannum

    036. ...... Mr. Black OPaa...............2,097................No .............................No ............... zman 2 aaaa

    037. ...... Fallen Merca....................2,067.............No ..............................No .................... GoldenNeo aa

    038. ...... QuickSilver231aa.............2,051................No .............................No ............... MistaTechMage aa

    039. ...... iHypnotizedaa.................2,049................No .............................No ............... PlungerMistress aa

    040. ...... BloodZ.CripZaaaa............1,860................Yes............................Yes............... bloodz n cripz aa

    041. ...... GoldSlayer1aaaa.............1,817................Yes.............................Yes............... goldslayer1 aa

    042. ...... Invicticusa....................1,751..................Yes ..........................No ................... TankMage aa

    043. ...... 139ALEN139ALEN139aa....1,680................Yes.............................No .............. alen139 aa

    044. ...... Death Gigasaa...............1,688................Yes.............................No ............... Death Gigas aa

    045. ...... Beastmoaa.....................1,516................Yes.............................No ............... beastmo aa

    046. ...... 5rr5aaa.........................1,465................No .............................No ............... 5rr5 aa

    047. ...... BloodRainbowaa.............1,438................No .............................No ............... BloodRainbow aa

    048. ...... Lord of Jamaa................1,436................No .............................No ............... Cookielord12 aaaa

    049. ...... nkc413aa......................1,342................No .............................No ............... nkc413 aa

    050. ...... Epicaa..........................1,337................Yes.............................No ............... Rabies aa

    Temporary List

    Rank .... Characters aa............... Wins .... Daily Solo Champion .... Daily Team Champion ....Members aa

    001. ...... Jomgaa.........................1,271................Yes.............................No ............... jegaggin aa

    002. ...... .RayMan.aaa..................1,267................Yes ............................No ............... raymanpwner aa

    003. ...... Donny The Ultimateaaaa..1,252................No .............................No ............... Donny The Ultimate aa

    004. ...... LADY SAVAGEaaa...........1,235................Yes............................Yes............... Lady Blue aa

    005. ...... The UnleaShedWolfza......1,197................No .............................No ............... The UnleaShedWolfZ aa

    006. ...... xX Sensei Xxaaaa...........1,196................Yes.............................No ............... Sensi12 aa

    007. ...... One Winged Angelaaaa....1,153................No .............................No ............... One Winged Angel1357 aa

    008. ...... .Spectra Phantom.aaa.....1,131................No .............................No ............... spectra phantom aa

    009. ...... 1999Rexa......................657.....................No .........................No ................. 1999Rex aa

    AVA is no longer to update this thread so therefore I will be taking over. I will be updating it now and I've made some slight changes. ~T.600

    No one can be added to this until 2 weeks time time. So from the 22th 5th of August you may request to be added. The first 50 people will be added. ~T.600

    Image tags removed. If you have hard evidence in the way of a PM that Cinderella said you could use image tags, forward it to me. Until then, consider images not allowed as per forum rules. ~Eukara Vox, Forum Moderation Staff

    Tagged. ~Mecha

  • LatinLover/Martini -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/21/2011 23:24:57)


    Teufel Hunden -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 0:01:27)

    Character(Character name): Da Bomb Expert

    A link to your character page: http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=Da%20Bomb%20Expert

    Do you have the daily solo champion: Yes

    Do you have the daily team champion: No

    Member(Forum name): DaBombExpert

    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memId=450181

    LamentationsXV -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 0:11:19)

    Can ya do the same for All-Time Solo Battles?Can ya grab it from AVA too? [;)]

    TankMage -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 0:13:53)

    @Lamentations, I'm currently doing the All-Time Solo thread right now [:)]. Sorry it's taking a little while longer then the rest but there's been alot of changes on it so it's taking awhile to get up to date.

    ~ Tank

    LamentationsXV -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 0:24:44)

    Ahh, yes. I just read AVA's original thread.Take your time Tank and don't forget me :D

    1999Rex -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 0:29:53)

    Character(Character name): 1999Rex

    A link to your character page: http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=1999Rex

    Do you have the daily solo champion: No

    Do you have the daily team champion No

    Member(Forum name): 1999Rex

    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showProfile.asp?memid=445736

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 1:15:10)

    Nice update!
    But, I think monthly is too long, don't you think. :p
    What about weekly? Or 2 times a month?

    Please think about it. :)

    Thanks, :D


    T.600 -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 1:23:47)

    It can be done 2 weekly if you want to :).

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 1:55:57)

    It's not what I want, but what people want and if you have time to update it 2 weekly instead of monthly. :)

  • I think you don't need to use the image tags since you just update it monthly or probably 2 weekly. This is just my opinion. ^_^

  • Since there is a limited for 50 players, you might want to make a Temporary List for 20 or 30 players who are outside the rank of 50 players.
    So, they have a chance to pass any of the rank of the 50 players. :D

  • TankMage -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 1:59:13)

    Just a quick update: The All-Time solo thread is going up soon, About 80% done [:D]!

    T.600 -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 2:00:40)


    Since there is a limited for 50 players, you might want to make a Temporary List for 20 or 30 players who are outside the rank of 50 players.
    So, they have a chance to pass any of the rank of the 50 players. :D

    Could you expand on that idea and explain how this 'temporary list' should work?

    My Name is Jake -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 2:07:08)

    My Name is Jake has the Daily Team Champion achievement.

    elm street -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 2:10:43)

    1617 no medal if u wanna add me as well [:)]

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 2:26:35)

    It seems as the current list.

    Current List = 50 players = 1-50

    All-Time Leaders - Team Battle

    Rank .... Characters ................. Wins .... Daily Solo Champion .... Daily Team Champion ....Members

    01. ...

    11. ...

    21. ...

    31. ...

    41. ...

    Temporary List = 30 players = 51-80
    Someone from the current list can be moved to this Temporary List, and someone from this list can be moved to the current list.
    It just depends on their rank at that moment.

    Temporary List

    Rank .... Characters ................. Wins .... Daily Solo Champion .... Daily Team Champion ....Members

    51. ...

    61. ...

    71. ...

  • You actually have a list for 80 players, but 30 players as reserve/temporary outside from the limited 50 players.

  • TankMage -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 5:43:09)

    Here you go T, You can add me in the next update [:)]


    Character (Character name): Invicticus
    A link to your character page: http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=Invicticus
    Do you have the daily solo champion: Yes
    Do you have the daily team champion: No
    Member (Forum name): TankMage
    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memId=434657

    T.600 -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 5:47:03)

    @AVA: I will do a temporary list in 2 weeks, for the next set of players.

    ...Sonya... -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 7:27:36)

    Character Name : Ms.JustNotPerfect
    A link to your Character Page : Siggi
    Member (Forum name ) : ...sonya...

    GoldenNeo -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 10:26:32)

    Character(Character name): Fallen Merc

    A link to your character page: http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=fallen%20merc

    Do you have the daily solo champion: Nope

    Do you have the daily team champion: Nope

    Member(Forum name): GoldenNeo

    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memId=412331

    InceptionAE -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (7/22/2011 11:30:35)

    Character(Character name): Inception X

    A link to your character page: http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=Inception%20X

    Do you have the daily solo champion: No.

    Do you have the daily team champion : No.

    Member(Forum name): DungeonHunter

    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memId=431581

    Sakilino -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (8/6/2011 7:52:35)

    Character(Character name): Sakilino

    A link to your character page: http://epicduel.artix.com/charpage.asp?id=sakilino

    Do you have the daily solo champion: No.

    Do you have the daily team champion : No.

    Member(Forum name): Sakilino

    A link to your Member Profile: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memId=392918

    Agiluz -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (8/6/2011 12:34:37)

    I'm 3rd :O

    T.600 -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (8/7/2011 2:30:04)

    List updated and people who used the correct template were added :).

    I am Primal -> RE: All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (8/7/2011 8:17:16)


    Character(Character name): PRIMAL ASSASSIN

    A link to your character page: http://epicduel.artix.com/charpage.asp?id=PRIMAL%20ASSASSIN

    Do you have the daily solo champion: nope

    Do you have the daily team champion yea

    Member(Forum name): I an Primal

    A link to your Member Profile:

    Harlock -> RE: =ED= All-Time Leaders- Team Battle (8/7/2011 8:54:06)

    Cap Harlock

    Do you have the daily solo champion: YES

    Do you have the daily team champion: YES

    Member(Forum name): Harlock

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