(ED) One Winged Angel (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> (ED) One Winged Angel (7/22/2011 9:47:31)

~The Void~

One Winged Angel grew up as a simple kid in the void he was sentence to live in, but as time rolled on he learned of ways of escaping the void and of a rebellion. In couraged by these thoughts of hope he picked up his staff and joined the rebellion. Meeting the man who would run the whole Rebellion, Oz, One Winged Angel learned the ways of the mage from an ally outside the void. After years of training an army Oz led his men from the void to reclaim Delta V.

~The Rebellion~

Once out of the void One Winged Angel was allowed to lead a unit into battle this unit was called Hells Angels, and was formed by the newest recruits to the Rebel army. One Winged Angel led these brave souls into many fights but slowly they died off one by one to the many hazards of Delta V and its Biodome where their main camp was. One night the camp was raided by a pack of Hazards lead by a mighty Electro Hazard. With only six able bodied fighters Angel knew he didn’t stand a chance but he and his second in command, ShadowWraith, stood their ground while the rest of the troopers left with the wounded and left the dead. The Hazards were quick to act they cut off one of his men who was trying to escape and made quick work of him and his wounded partner. With time running out ShadowWraith threw a stun grenade at a second Bio Hazard blocking the path for the other men.
“Cya in the city boss.” Said Shadow as he led the men to safety. Angel, trying to stall as long as possible defeated the stunned hazard with a plasma bolt clearing his path of retreat. Then he ran over towards the other Bio hazard, which was feeding on one of his fallen comrade’s corpse, and shot him in the back of the head. Angel Took the helm off his comrade who died trying to help the wounded men and put in on saying “You will never be forgotten.” He then lit their bodies on fire so he could escape to the city and not worry about their bodies being defiled.

~The City~

Angel got into the city 3 days after the Hazard raid in the Biodome, not taking the train was a costly error that he hoped his men didn’t make. After three days without water and entering a city deep into the war Angel risked death or worse, capture. He quickly noticed a green and white flare in the windows of a broken down apartment. The sign of the Hells Angels, he now knew without a doubt at least one of his men made it to the city alive. Angel made his way over to the building at once. Upon entering he was quite surprised by what he saw. ShadowWraith was by the window sharpening his wristblades which was normal but the fact that this rundown building was a lounge surprised Angel. What surprised him even more was the woman behind the counter with the robotic arm.
Not knowing if she was with or against the rebels made Angel hesitant to stick around but the machines in the room told him that he could make a pretty penny just buy putting out a few credits. Angel soon worked himself into trouble he had lost more credits then he had earned plus what he started with. The women, Valestra, had taken notice of Angel and his money problem.” Hand over the money you owe me or your wounded men in the back die.” She said.
“I’ll get you the money but you have to give me some time.” He said.
“You’ve got one day, if you don’t bring me my money then they die.” She said.
Angel walked over to ShadowWraith to see if he had any credits.” Sorry boss I spent all my credits to get her to let me hide the men in the back room.” ShadowWraith said. So Angel walked out the door into the street, where he saw two thugs waiting across the street. “I told you he went into the lounge.” Said the first thug.
“Well he’s here now let’s go get our bounty for taking him down.” Said the second thug.

~The Duel~

“Ok this isn’t good I’ve got two thugs out to kill me for reasons I don’t even know and my staff is inside as a promise to pay back Valestra.” Thought Angel. As the thugs closed in Angle saw that right past them was a board full of wanted posters and he in on that board. The thugs kept getting closer pulling out swords as they walked across the street. Then Angel heard something he couldn’t figure what it was until he saw it was a girl on a hoverbike. She pulled one arm off the bike and with her wrist blades she sliced right through the first thugs back. Angel saw this was an opening for him; he ran up kicked the second thug away and picked up the sword of the fallen thug. Back in the void Angel had learned how to use a sword as did everyone else in the rebel army. Angel waited until the thug charged him to make a move. With the thug about ten feet away Angel raised his sword to counter the thugs. The thug slashed and Angel countered the hit but was then hit by a kick to the side of his knee, knocking him to the ground.
Angel now on the ground with an unfamiliar weapon seemed out of luck, until he heard the hoverbike once more. Angel just had to hold his ground for a few seconds, so he kicked the thug in the shins then quickly got to his feet. Angel slashed at the thug who quickly blocked the shot. Angel knew he had to keep the thug in about the same spot so he kept striking without letting up. Seeing the hoverbike heading straight for the thug and Angel did send a shock down his spine, he quickly stepped out of the way while keeping the thug in range. With only a few seconds to spare Angel struck the knee of the thug and the women drove past defeating the second thug and drove off to how knows where. Angels picked the pockets of the thug saying “Stealing stolen money isn’t really stealing it’s more like liberating.” Then walked over to the board and ripped his poster down.

~The End~

Angel handed the credits to valestra and walked over to ShadowWraith, “We’re leaving.”
“But what about the men?” Shadow said
“Leave them they will only be dead wait.” He said
“Fine your orders are final.” Shadow Said.
They left at once to the main point of fighting, The Overlord Facility. They walked around back of the building where the thugs had come from where they found two hoverbikes. “We will use these to get there.” Angel said.
“Where?” Asked Shadow.
“You’ll know it when you see it.” Replied Angel.
They headed to the Overlord Facility and stopped about a mile away from all the fighting and about half a mile from the Rebel army’s main camp. They left their bikes at the top of the hill and walked towards the main camp, once there Angel requested an immediate conference with Oz. “Oz im taking leave of the army and so is ShadowWraith we see no point in continuing this war in our current state.” Said Angel.
“Fine then Angel you will be welcome upon your return.” Said Oz. As Angel and Shadow walked away from all the fighting a shot rang out, Angel dropped to his knees then in an instant he and Shadow both shot the man next to the tent. “You can call yourself a fighter when you don’t have to use dirty tricks.” Angel walked away from the battlefield with the image of the girl who saved him now bleeding on the ground outside of the tent.
~The End of Part1~

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: (ED) One Winged Angel (7/22/2011 9:48:56)

~The Return~

After a year out in the junkyard crawler ShadowWraith and One Winged Angel felt it was time to return. The war had raged on in many places with many loses for both sides, and I, not being one for losing, was ready to step up and lead once more. “Shadow go get some new requites it’s time to return our work to the world.”
“Got you Angel. Now where do you want to meet up?” Asked Shadow,
“Let’s meet up at the resting place of Her.” I replied.
At dawn Shadow left toward the ports on his marauder bike while I stayed behind to dress my scars, find my helm and collect my gear. Once ready I found my hoverbike and left toward the coordinates that Commander Troy sent me the night before.
~The War~
After about an hour of silence I heard shots ring out. I stopped to look around and saw nothing until I looked up and saw a mortar heading my way. “Hell, they know where I am but where are they?” I quickly got back onto my bike and rocketed away. At once I noticed something was off where was the explosion, where was the flying dirt, where was my blood? I looked behind me to see a horrifying sight, it wasn’t a mortar it was a missile. I drew my pistol and quickly aimed and shot at the missile, but to no a vile my bullets where useless to stop this metal monster. Over the horizon I saw the battlefield so I got a bright idea, why not crash the missile into the Legion forces. I rode down the hill into the battle and starting shooting Legion mercenaries to clear my path. 1….2…3 I had my path starting to clear up when the Exiles starting shooting at the missile. “Stop firing. Please stop firing.” Angel pleaded at the men as he drove past. But it was hopeless one of the Exiles shot the sweet spot on the missile causing it to explode and killing many exile troopers and sending Angel flying off of his bike into the fighting.
Angel awoke to the unfriendly sight of 5 blasters and 3 swords pointed at him. Fearing the worst Angel removed his helm, and disarmed himself making him as vulnerable as possible hoping that he would not be shot. Quickly his pistol was kicked away from him and his staff was taken up by one of his “captures”. “Where are you taking me?” Angel asked.
“To Commander Troy of the 4th Exile battalion.” One of the troopers said.
“That’s just perfect,” said Angel, “I was supposed to meet him so you made my job easier”.
“Supposed to meet him? Who are you?” The trooper asked.
“One Winged Angel of the Hells Angels unit of the Exile army.” Angel answered.
“You lying dog everyone knows Hells Angels was wiped out in the Biodome.” Said the trooper.
“We were not wiped out six of us were injured and left for dead in Fortune City and 10 died in the Biodome, while ShadowWraith and I left the army shortly after that.” Angel said angrily.
“Shut up and enter the tent, we are here.” Said the trooper.

~The Mission~

I walk into the tent as instructed by the troopers and I am welcomed by two more guards, these two with much stronger weapons with them, most of which I had never seen, and behind a desk is the familiar face of Troy with the even more familiar face of a panda on his desk. “Troy it’s good to see you but why did you force me here?” I asked.
“Angel we needed someone to test a new weapon for us and Oz told me you were coming to meet him so I stalled your trip, with Oz’s Ok that is,” Replied Troy.
“What kind of weapon Troy,” I said, “you know I’m only good with a pistol and staff.”
“It is a long range highly accurate cannon codenamed “Rebel”.” Troy said.
“Let me see this toy of yours because I know you I won’t be leaving this camp without the cannon.” I retorted.
After Troy handed over the Rebel and all of my gear he told me that Oz would give me my next mission. So off I went from the Exile secret weapons compound near the old Varium mine to the Overlord Facility to meet Oz. On my way there I found some trashed Vendbots to practice shooting and to dope my aim. I lie down and pick up the Rebel, pulling the sights to my eye; I focus on the end sight and lining that up with my target. “Breath, relax, slowly pull the trigger.” I tell myself. The shoot goes off and misses the Vendbot but blows a huge chunk of dirt and rocks flying. “Jesus! Troy you tricky bastard, I should of fired it before I left.” I exclaimed. I took five more shoots emptying the clip of Rebel and then reloaded the weapon with only some problems but with a full clip and sights doped I resumed my trip to Oz. Two days later I made it to Oz’s Tent set up outside of the Overlord Facility. There I was greeted by Oz and given my mission, “Angel I know your unit suffered great loses before you went on leave.” said Oz.
“Oz my unit was almost completely destroyed all that made it out of the Biodome was me and ShadowWraith the rest died either in the Biodome or in Valestra’s backroom.” I said
“I have it on good word that you sent Shadow out to find some new recruits is that correct?” inquired Oz.
“Yes sir that is correct, but a bunch of green fighters and two vets one of which is wounded and has troubles in hand to hand combat what do you expect us to do?” asked Angel.
“I expect you to play bodyguard to some of the high priority units we have in the field.” said Oz.
“What has changed that the high priority units now require more protection than their squad mates?” asked Angel.
“Reaver, that’s what has changed.” said Oz
“Reaver? Sir what is Reaver?” asked Angel.
“Reaver is a man that is single handily decimating our high priority units. We only have this Intel because one of the members of his last unit died five minutes after we got there.” replied Oz.
“So let me get this right you want my unit to protect our best outfitted units from a man who can take more than the best we have to offer.” Angel said.
“No I want You to use Rebel to dispatch of Reaver while he destroys the unit you are guarding and if you do your job well there will be minimal lose.” commanded Oz.
“Sir, you’re sending my unit on a suicide mission and you expect me to sit back and try to stop Reaver while I watch my comrade’s die.” said Angel.
“Yes I am, now that you understand your mission you will be on your way.” said Oz.


Angel made his way to the resting place of his would be assassin resting every few hours to treat his wounds and drink a health booster to stave off death for a bit longer. After a two day trip Angel got to the meeting point to find ShadowWraith with six men behind him. Shadow walked away from the men to great Angel. “Hello Angel. These are all of the men I could find that are willing to join the war.” Shadow said.
“Are any of these men able to fight they all look very green to me.” stated Angel.
“Only one knew how to fight when he was recruited but I have been training them in group tactics while waiting for your arrival.” replied Shadow.
“Who is the man who could hold his own when you found him?” Angel asked.
“I said he could fight I never said he could hold his own but you’re looking for masterroy.” Shadow replied.
“You take masterroy and teach him how to lead a squad of six men because I will need you by my side for this mission.” commanded Angel.
ShadowWraith took masterroy off to the side to teach him basic leadership skills and how to think on his feet in combat, both of which had saved Shadows life in combat. Angel turned to the remaining five men and addressed them about the mission that lay ahead of them. “Men our mission is to protect a unit that is carrying mining equipment to the old Varium mine. If these men can get the mine running again we can use it to finally get ahead in this war. For this mission you will be under the command of masterroy while ShadowWraith and I conduct covert ops to sabotage the enemy troops that will try to slow the miners’ progress. Do you understand your role in this mission men?” said Angel.
“Yes Sir.” replied the troopers.
After four hour Shadow came back with Roy and reported that he was ready to lead the men on a simple body guarding mission. “Angel this isn’t as simple as you tell the men it will be is it?” Shadow asked.
“Sorry Shadow but you are right most of these men will probably die on this mission.” said Angel sadly.
“Ok then what is our real mission because you said you needed me for covert ops.” Shadow said.
“Our real mission is to take out Reaver, a man who single handily takes down Exile elite forces units.” Said Angel
“What makes you think he will attack our mining team?” Shadow Asked.
“It’s not really a mining team the mining team is already at the mines this unit moving the equipment is made up of the best Exile forces Oz could put together so it is the perfect bait for Reaver.” Angel said.
“Ok if our elite units can’t take him down how are we supposed to take down Reaver?” Shadow asked.
“Troy gave me a prototype weapon to take down Reaver it is a long range highly accurate cannon called “Rebel”.” Angel said.
After that Shadow was shown the weapon and was told his job as the eyes for Angel and was given a flare pistol and he was to fire it when Reaver started his attack and was told to blend in with the “miners” so that his men did not notice him.


After a night of rest Angel’s unit left to meet up with the unit they would be protecting, but in the middle of the night Shadow left to join the miners so that Angel’s plan could go into effect. Angel stayed with his men until they entered the pass that would lead them to the mine. Angel went up the hillside on his hoverbike away from his men but never more than 250 yards, well within the affective range of Rebel. On the third day of the trip the unit entered a very narrow part of the pass, which they now figured out was a dried up riverbed because they were having the first rainstorm in a year on Delta V, this was where Angel was sure that Reaver would strike so he dropped in closer to the unit for a better look at the men and he also created a Plasma lightning storm that hit both sides of the pass so the men could see better. When the men were halfway through the narrowed pass Shadows flare went up into the stormy skies. Angel immediately dismounted his hoverbike and readied Rebel for use. Channeling the lightning to strike on the ridge now the troops so he could make out the men Angel started looking for Reaver. Angel saw the dead bodies of four men three of which were from his unit. Then Angel saw Reaver, he was fighting with one of the Elite troopers, Angel lined up his shot on Reaver but right when Angel was about to fire Reaver dispatched of the Exile with his odd claws then moved impossibly fast behind another Exile dispatching him then to the next Exile and so on until only a handful of Exile were left. The next victim of Reaver would be Shadow but learning from the tactics of Reaver Shadow had quickly deployed his doppelganger which was struck down by Reaver and dissolved to nothing then in the moment of confusion Shadow struck back against Reaver engaging him in Claw to Claw combat. While they were fighting Angel kept trying to line up a shot but they were just too quick. Angel focused all of his energy onto the Reaver and unleashed a giant lightning strike which stunned both Shadow and Reaver with its power in this moment Angel lined up his shot on Reaver and fired.

~Final Words~

The shot made direct contact with Reaver’s chest but when the smoke cleared at the bottom of the creator was Reaver standing unharmed. Angel quickly left off the remaining four shots at Reaver, after the first three shoots Reaver was still in the ever deepening creator but after the fourth Reaver was gone. With this Angel thought Reaver was dead so he stood up and headed back towards his bike. As Angel walked toward his bike out of the corner of his he saw four parallel lines moving toward him at incredibly speed. Instantly Angel know that Reaver was coming toward him and he did the first thing he could think to do, back flip out of the path of the claws with any luck Reaver would run himself off the ledge into the pass. While in the air Angel saw the lines change direction toward his bike which was sliced into four pieces then there stood Reaver and Angel could get a good look at him. Reaver was what looked like a mutation had taken over his being causing his flesh to merge with his armor and claws. In some places Reaver’s armor was completely under the mutated skin and his veins could be seen running along his claws to parts of which looked to be completely made of human flesh and bone but even they were as sharp of the rest of the claws. Angel armed himself with his Staff in one hand and a short sword in the other to match the two handed style of Reaver. Reaver charged Angel and slashed at him with both claws. Angel jabbed Reaver’s chest with an assimilation attack to knock him back. As Reaver stumbled backwards Angel charged him with his sword and staff. Reaver blocked the rush and knocked Angel’s staff into the pass. Shadows, seeing the staff of Angel fly into the air rushed up the side of the pass and when he reached the top he dug his claws into the ledge to force him to land on his feet. Reaver flipped over Angel wrapping his claws around his head and threw him at Shadow who was rushing towards the fight. Shadow dived into the air throwing a stun grenade and EMP at Reaver and them shooting them with the Flare gun and his blaster causing a massive explosion of fire and electricity. As Shadow soared over Angel in the air he caught his body, then he rolled over in the air so that Angel would land on top of him. Shadow got up turned to Angel and said “Sorry I wasn’t faster.” Before walking over to were Reaver lay. On approach to Reaver Shadow saw Reaver’s claws moving so he pulled out his pistol and shot Reaver four times in the chest. “Thank y-you.” Reaver said with his dyeing breathes.

~The Mine~

When Shadow got back down the hill he told the men the real point of their mission and how the lightning storm was created by Angel before they got to work on the dead and wounded. After many hours of treated the wounded and burning the dead the survivors of Reaver’s assault picked up Angel’s staff and walked up the hill to pay respects to their hero. The others brought up the empty crate there were carrying as the decoy mining gear to rest Angel on. Once Angel was rested on the crate Shadow put Angel’s sword by his side and put his staff in his hands. Once both of Angel’s hands were on the staff lighting started to arc across his entire body. After two minutes the lightning stopped and Angel opened his eyes and rolled off of the crate and looked at his men. “What the hell!” “How are you still alive?” said the men.
“I was floating in nothing and I could see the mutation from Reaver all around me as well as all of our fallen comrades from all of his raids then I felt a sudden surge of power and I started moving to the only point of darkness in that horrible place and I woke up.” replied Angel.
“Well that answers that we have to move out to the mine now.” Shadow commanded.
Without any questions from anyone the men packed up and moved the mining gear to the mine. Once there the men unloaded the gear while Angel went for a walk through the old mine with Shadow. On the lower levels on the mine Angel and Shadow find a destroyed down and head through it, on the other side of the door is the reactor that powers the mine. Angel noticed that the Varium core of the reactor is dead and grabs a new Varium core from the wall. He jumps down into the reactor and uses Plasma Bolt to remove the old core and places the new Varium core in the reactor. A sudden burst of energy over takes Angel before he is launched across the room. “Are you ok?” Shadow asked.
“I’m better then ok Shadow I feel a new power surging through me in fact.” Angel says as he launches a fireball across the room. “I’m going to enjoy these new powers.”
~The End of part 2~

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