(HS) War of The Legends! (Full Version)

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UnityDestroyer -> (HS) War of The Legends! (7/23/2011 4:17:20)

Chapter 1:Evolution of Infinity.

The Varia and Chaos Carnival started a war.

Destro had an idea that his son will start a clan named Varia.

100 Years later...

Unity started the Varia he recruited the strongest people on Super City.

Unity and Clown saw each other in the street.

Clown said "What are you doing here? No hero shall live after the Chaos Carnival Riot."

Unity replied "I lived cause Its not my time to die."

Clown replied "Hmph! Very well."

Unity attacked Clown and He evaded but he was scratched by it.

Unity used a long stringed knife to attack Clown but Clown threw his cane and it hit Unity.

Unity flew really far...

1 day later...

Unity found himself to Planet Katraos.

He saw a man with high-technology gadgets.

The man said "Greetings, My name is War."

Unity said "Why did I got here?"

War replied "I found you when I was at the beach."

Unity replied "Oh,Sorry but i got to go!"

Unity got to Super City in 1 week...

When he got to Super City it was the situation he'll never think about.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: (HS) War of The Legends! (7/23/2011 9:17:28)

Discussion Thread is here!,Not there.

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